Teller Report

Aegirbio collapses on the stock market after SVT's review

10/8/2021, 7:41:44 PM

Medtech company Aegirbio collapses on the stock exchange after SVT's review. At the same time, the company announces that the acquisition discussions with Dynamic Code will end.

“Industrially, the deal is just right, but the conditions became too difficult to take everything into port.

We take the consequence of this and interrupt the process.

Personally, I am very disappointed because I think this would have been a fantastic structural deal ", says Martin Linde, CEO of Aegirbio, in a press release.

Aegirbio plunged 40 percent on Thursday.

After the stock exchange closed, SVT's review was published, which resulted in the price being down almost 40 percent even at the opening on Friday.

"We saw that a merger had a strategic logic, but based on the latest stock market development in Aegirbio, the parties assess that the offer cannot go through," says Petter Lundström, Chairman of the Board of Dynamic Code.

The text is updated.