Teller Report

RKI report: Up to 84 percent of adults have already been vaccinated

10/7/2021, 5:53:28 PM

According to the Robert Koch Institute, the vaccination rate in Germany could be higher than previously assumed. Current surveys suggest this.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin expects that more people are now vaccinated against Corona than the official statistics show.

It can be assumed that among adults up to 84 percent have been vaccinated at least once and up to 80 percent have received both doses, according to a report.

It stands to reason that "the vaccination quota reported in the digital vaccination quota monitoring is to be understood as the minimum vaccination quota and an underestimation of up to five percentage points for the proportion of people who have been vaccinated at least once or who have been completely vaccinated can be assumed".

Heike Schmoll

Political correspondent in Berlin, responsible for the “educational worlds”.

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According to vaccination quota statistics, less than 80 percent of residents over 18 years of age have received a first dose, and slightly more than 75 percent are fully vaccinated.

As early as August, however, the RKI was unsure about the actual number of people vaccinated.

According to the RKI, the differences that have now emerged could be due to the fact that in its surveys more people state that they are vaccinated than appear in the statistics.

The survey has been taking place since September 15th and will be completed by mid-October;

a full report will only be available in the following weeks.

According to the RKI, people who are not very willing to vaccinate or who oppose the vaccination are underrepresented in the surveys. People with poor knowledge of German cannot take part in the survey either. There is even the assumption that "language barriers also lead to less use of the Covid-19 vaccination". Certain vaccinations are also not included in the statistics. This applies to all vaccinations for young people aged between 12 and 17 years. Because the sample drawn for the RKI survey with randomly generated mobile and landline numbers only includes people over 18.

Overall, the population's willingness to vaccinate is at a high level, according to the report.

If those who have already been vaccinated were taken into account, the proportion would be 93 percent of those who want to be vaccinated or who have already been vaccinated.

The RKI sees the greatest uncertainty among people who wish to have children, among whom every second person asks whether the vaccination is safe.

Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU) told the German Press Agency on the occasion of the new RKI information that the quotas now achieved make it possible to do without certain precautions such as masks outside.

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