Teller Report

Retirement home in shock: "We do not know who has been exposed"

10/7/2021, 8:16:30 PM

A former employee at Riddarstensgården's nursing home in Lerum is in custody on suspicion of 19 aggravated rapes. The crimes must have been committed at the man's previous workplace between 2015-2017. - We are a business today that is in shock, says Petra Höglund, current operations manager at the nursing home.

It is at Humana's nursing home Riddarstensgården in Lerum outside Gothenburg that the abuse is said to have taken place.

The man in his 30s, who previously worked at the residence, was arrested today on probable cause on suspicion of 19 aggravated rapes.

The day has been spent informing Lerum municipality, all staff and relatives, says operations manager Petra Höglund to SVT.

But the information they themselves received is very scarce.

- We have been in contact with the prosecutor to ask what is happening, but the only thing we have received confirmation is that a preliminary investigation is underway.

They can not provide any information.

We do not know who is exposed, if it is an employee or if there is a customer who lives here, says Petra Höglund.

She also does not know in what way this has been discovered.

Technical gadgets seized

Despite the fact that the act was committed during 2015-2017, the man is only arrested now.

The acts have recently come to the attention of prosecutor Hediye Kurt and that is why they are acting quickly now, she says.

- We have carried out a house search and seized.

Extensive technical gadgets have been seized and are to be investigated.

The prosecutor has been given a month to bring charges, but it will take longer than that according to Hediye Kurt's assessment.

- This investigation will take time.

This case is not common, not to this extent.

There are so many aggravated rapes, says Hediye Kurt, prosecutor.

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