Teller Report

The barbed duck, the duck capable of playing parrots

9/10/2021, 4:59:39 AM

Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume. This Friday, he is interested in the barbel duck, a duck capable of reproducing to imitate men like the parrot.

Anicet Mbida 6:54 a.m., September 10, 2021

Every day, Anicet Mbida makes us discover an innovation that could well change the way we consume.

This Friday, he is interested in the barbel duck, a duck capable of reproducing to imitate men like the parrot.

This morning, an astonishing scientific discovery.

A species of duck capable of playing parrots.

That is, to imitate any sound ... even a human voice.

This is the Barbed Duck, a gray / black Australian duck.

It flies very little, walks very little and spends most of its time splashing around in water.

It is easily recognized with its fan-shaped tail and its funny black lobe hanging down under its beak.

This is what we found, until now, in ornithology textbooks.

From now on, it will be necessary to add a new characteristic to it: that of imitating men.

For example, her keeper's favorite curse "You bloody fool!"

that we could translate by "You fool!".

It can also mimic a slamming door or the cry of another bird.

Ditto for any noise.

What very few animals can do.

This duck must be studied for years.

Why do we only realize it now?

Like most discoveries, it happened by chance.

He was a Dutch ornithologist who studied the ability of birds to imitate sounds.

He came across a 34-year-old note that talked about a recording of ducks mimicking sounds in Australia.

He first thought of a joke.

But after investigation, he made the trip to Australia and ended up authenticating the famous recordings.

It was believed that only parrots, hummingbirds, and a few songbirds had this rare ability to mimic certain sounds.

Now, we can add one more: the famous Australian duck.