Teller Report

Police apply for arrest warrant for Kang Yong-seok and Kim Se from 'Karosero Research Institute'

9/9/2021, 2:04:35 AM

The police have applied for an arrest warrant for the cast of the YouTube channel 'Garosero Research Institute'. The Gangnam Police Station in Seoul announced that they had applied for an arrest warrant for the former MBC reporter Kim Se-eui and Kang Yong-seok, a lawyer who appeared in the cast of Ga Se-yeon this morning.

The police have applied for an arrest warrant for the cast of the YouTube channel 'Garosero Research Institute' (hereafter Ka Se-yeon).

The Gangnam Police Station in Seoul announced on the morning of the 9th that they had applied for an arrest warrant for Kang Yong-seok, a lawyer, and Kim Se-eui, a former MBC reporter.

YouTuber Yongho Kim returned home this morning after completing an investigation.

Earlier, the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul issued an arrest warrant for three cast members on the 7th.

They were accused of more than 10 cases of cyber defamation and insult, but an arrest warrant was issued because they did not comply with the police's request to appear more than 10 times.

At the time of the execution of the warrant, YouTuber Kim promptly responded to the police's request to accompany him, but lawyer Kang and former reporter Kim faced off all day until the police opened the door to their house.

(Photo = Yonhap News)