Teller Report

Trouble at Isabell Werth: "That's ridiculous"

9/8/2021, 1:46:28 PM

In the end, it's enough to make it to first place. On the way to the third European Championship gold in a row, the German dressage team experiences an unexpected deficit - and one rider is really angry.

Isabell Werth rode out of the square angrily and cursed.

“That's ridiculous”, the most successful rider in the world in the saddle of Weihegold grumbled: “I'm already boiling!” Almost four hours later, the team gold was certain at the home European championship on Wednesday - and the dressage mood -Queen was much better again.

In the gold hat trick after the European Championships in Gothenburg and Rotterdam, the German dressage quartet experienced an unexpected tremor.

The host team in Hagen near Osnabrück was in the meantime even behind and in the end benefited from the mistakes of the competition when they succeeded again.

The renewed success was the 25th German team gold at European championships.

That it was closer than expected was also due to the result of Werth's ride with Weihegold: 79.860 percent.

“The horse has never gone below 80 percent in a test like this, I don't get it,” complained the 52-year-old record rider.

"77 percent for a judge, I say that very clearly, that is incomprehensible - period!"

"That's cheeky"

"I was very, very satisfied" with the ride itself, but not with the evaluation.

"I don't think it's overrated," she said sarcastically.

Werth suspected: “Obviously a few are happy when things turn out differently.

This door has been kept open. "

You hope "that there is enough for the team.

We are in third place at the moment, ”said Werth immediately after their ride - and could not have known that the Brit Carl Hester rode so poorly a little later that, as the third starter of his team, he unexpectedly delivered the cancellation result of his team.

In contrast to the Olympic Games, the EM is ridden with four pairs per nation, the worst result is deleted.

Equipe boss Klaus Roeser described the evaluation of a French judge as “already cheeky”.

The national coach expressed herself more diplomatically.

“I see it differently,” said Monica Theodorescu, commenting on the judge's assessment.

She found the result “not correct.

I had already thought that it would be more than 80 percent. ”She could understand the rider's anger, she took Werth under protection.

"The emotion is normal when you come out of the exam," said the national team coach.

The anger after Jessica von Bredow-Werndl's ride was almost forgotten.

The 35-year-old rider from Tuntenhausen made the decision with the ride in the saddle of Dalera.

The double Olympic champion rode brilliantly, received an outstanding 84.099 percent and said: "This is mega, I'm totally happy."

The day before, after Helen Langehanenberg's rides (Billerbeck) with Annabelle and Dorothee Schneider (Framersheim) with Faustus, the host quartet was only in second place. Schneider had to ride Faustus because her top horse was damaged. "The failure of Showtime hurts," said Werth.

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