Teller Report

08.25: The team competition is decided at the dressage European Championships

9/8/2021, 5:19:11 AM

The European Dressage Championships in Hagen, Germany, continue with the second half of the starting field in the team competition. In the Swedish team, Therese Nilshagen and Juliette Ramel will ride. SVT broadcasts from 08.25.

Then the Swedes ride:

11.00: Therese Nilshagen

14.42: Juliette Ramel

The position after the first day:

1) England: 77.671 percent

2) Denmark: 75.078 percent

3) Germany: 74.985 percent

4) Austria: 73.106 percent

5) Netherlands: 72.531 percent

6) Sweden: 72.252 percent

See the broadcast in the player above.

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