Teller Report

Mishustin spoke about supporting the creative industry

8/31/2021, 1:42:10 PM

At the ceremony of presenting state and government awards to cultural and art workers, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin spoke about support for the creative industry.

“Now in our country there is an explosive growth of creative industries, this is a promising direction,” Mishustin said.

According to him, "the president drew attention to the fact that it requires special support, and the government is now ready to help."

He said that "this year alone, the presidential grants fund will receive 11 billion rubles, and another 3.5 billion - the presidential fund for cultural initiatives."

“This is a serious help, we expect that with the development of the creative industry, new actors, composers, musicians will appear in the country,” the prime minister added.

Earlier it was reported that Russian leader Vladimir Putin congratulated the participants and guests of the New Wave International Competition of Young Popular Music Performers on the opening.