Teller Report

Gas price in Europe in the course of trading overcame the mark of $ 600 per thousand cubic meters

8/30/2021, 3:17:14 PM

The price of gas in Europe in the course of trading exceeded the mark of $ 600 per 1,000 cubic meters. m. This is evidenced by the data of the London stock exchange ICE.

According to TASS, the cost of the October futures on the TTF hub in the Netherlands on August 30 reached $ 600.3 per 1,000 cubic meters.


Earlier in the day, the corresponding figure exceeded $ 590.

On August 19, it was reported that 5.6 billion cubic meters could be supplied via the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in 2021.

m of gas.

According to Gazprom, over the seven months of this year, Russian natural gas supplies to Europe via the Nord Stream gas pipeline totaled 33.7 billion cubic meters.


Alexander Perov, head of special projects at the National Energy Security Fund, commented on the situation with gas prices in Europe in an interview with the Economics Segodnya FBA.

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