Teller Report

The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue warning of heavy rain: local heavy rain in Sichuan and other places

8/27/2021, 11:02:40 PM

China News Service, August 28. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning at 06:00 on August 28: It is estimated that from 08:00 on August 28 to 08:00 on August 29, the northeastern and southwestern parts of the Sichuan Basin will be Some areas of western and northern Chongqing, southeastern Shaanxi,

  China News Service, August 28. According to the website of the Central Meteorological Observatory, the Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue rainstorm warning at 06:00 on August 28: It is estimated that from 08:00 on August 28 to 08:00 on August 29, the northeastern and southwestern parts of the Sichuan Basin will be Some areas of western and northern Chongqing, southeastern Shaanxi, northwestern Hubei, western and northern Henan, central and western Shandong, northern Jiangsu, and southeastern Tibet had heavy rains. Among them, the northeastern Sichuan Basin, the northeastern Chongqing, and Shaanxi There were heavy rainstorms (100-180 mm) in some parts of the southeast and other places.

Some of the above areas are accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation (the maximum hourly rainfall is 20-40 mm, and the local area can exceed 50 mm), and there are strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and gales in the local area.

Defense guide:

  1. The government and relevant departments shall make preparations for rainstorm prevention according to their duties;

  2. Schools and kindergartens take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of students and children;

  3. Drivers should pay attention to road water and traffic jams to ensure safety;

  4. Check the drainage systems of cities, farmlands, and fish ponds, and prepare for drainage.

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