Teller Report

Fallen President Ashraf Ghani addresses Afghanistan from Abu Dhabi

8/18/2021, 10:34:39 PM

For the first time since the fall of Kabul at the hands of the Taliban, Ashraf Ghani spoke, Wednesday, August 18, from the United Arab Emirates where he found refuge. In his address to the na…

Fallen President Ashraf Ghani addresses Afghanistan from Abu Dhabi

Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani speaking from the United Arab Emirates, where he was received after the Taliban took power on August 18, 2021. via REUTERS - FACEBOOK / ASHRAF GHANI

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For the first time since the fall of Kabul at the hands of the Taliban, Ashraf Ghani spoke, Wednesday, August 18, from the United Arab Emirates where he found refuge.

In his address to the nation, the ousted Afghan president concedes his political and military defeat against the Taliban.

The latter have engaged in discussions with former Afghan leaders.

Former President Hamid Karzai thus met with leader Anas Haqqani.


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Ashraf Ghani

appeared alone in front of the camera, wearing a white shirt and a black waistcoat, with only a dark curtain and an Afghan flag hoisted behind him, reports

Vincent Souriau

 our special envoy to Dubai.

I had to flee to the United Arab Emirates because they wanted to execute me in public,

 " he confirms.

Earlier today, the state announced that it was hosting “ 

for humanitarian reasons

 ” the former president and his family.

This defeat is ours and that of our international allies


The statesman claims to be " 

gone to avoid a bloodbath and the destruction of Kabul



Yes, it's a defeat, but a shared defeat.

Ours, that of our government, and that of our international allies.

Because what started in the form of a peace process ended in the form of a war,

 ”he observes.

Now, we must negotiate, and I support the discussions started with the Taliban by former President Hamid Karzai.

As for me, I will not escape.

I am negotiating my return to Afghanistan, where I want to continue the fight for justice and for our values,

”concludes Ashraf Ghani.

But, as

the Taliban are back in power

, Ghani's influence has collapsed;

the United States confirmed on Wednesday that the ex-president is "no

longer a person who matters in Afghanistan


► To read also: Afghanistan: in Kabul, "the Taliban are everywhere"

Meeting between Taliban leader Anas Haqqani and former President Hamid Karzai

The Taliban have promised the establishment of an inclusive government.

They even show themselves ready to discuss with their opponents.

On Wednesday, Anas Haqqani, one of their leaders, met former Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul.

The images circulated a lot on social networks: we see

Hamid Karzai

, president from 2001 to 2014, sitting in an armchair, talking with the Taliban leader. 

Former vice-president Abdullah Abdullah also met with the insurgents, according to the Islamist websites watch group.

The latter was also the head of the High Council for National Reconciliation during previous negotiations in Qatar, which were unsuccessful.

These meetings between insurgents and former Afghan leaders come a day after

the Taliban's first press conference

since taking power.

On this occasion, they had assured that they did not want revenge, that they " 

forgave all the former government officials


They also announced a general amnesty for all those who worked for the previous government. 


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  • Afghanistan

  • Taliban

  • Ashraf Ghani

  • Hamid Karzai

  • United States

  • United Arab Emirates

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