Teller Report

China successfully launches Tianhui-2 Satellite Group 02

8/18/2021, 11:10:45 PM

Photo courtesy: Zheng Bin   China News Service, Beijing, August 19 (Ma Shuaisha) At 6:32 on August 19, 2021, Beijing time, China used the Long March 4B carrier rocket at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center to successfully deploy the Tianhui-2 Group 02 satellites Launched into the air, the satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.   This mi

Photo courtesy: Zheng Bin

  China News Service, Beijing, August 19 (Ma Shuaisha) At 6:32 on August 19, 2021, Beijing time, China used the Long March 4B carrier rocket at the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center to successfully deploy the Tianhui-2 Group 02 satellites Launched into the air, the satellite successfully entered the scheduled orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success.

  This mission is the 384th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

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