Teller Report

Yen exchange rate Small price movement

8/17/2021, 9:18:31 AM

[NHK] On the 17th, the yen exchange rate in the Tokyo foreign exchange market was modest. On the 17th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were modest. The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 109.32 yen to 33 yen, which is 8 yen higher and the dollar weaker than the 16th. On the other hand, against the euro, the yen appreciated by 19 yen and the euro depreciated from 1 euro = 128.69 yen to 73 yen compared to the 16th. In addition, the euro was 1 euro = 1.1772 to

On the 17th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were modest.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was 109.32 yen to 33 yen, which is 8 yen higher and the dollar weaker than the 16th.

On the other hand, against the euro, the yen appreciated by 19 yen and the euro depreciated from 1 euro = 128.69 yen to 73 yen compared to the 16th.

In addition, the euro was 1 euro = 1.1772 to 73 dollars against the dollar.

Market officials said, "The fact that Afghanistan's administration has virtually collapsed has been recognized as a new geopolitical risk, and there have been some movements to sell dollars in the morning. However, the United States will be announced tonight in Japan time. Many investors refrained from doing business because they wanted to see the statistics of their retail business. "

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