Teller Report

Joe Biden "strongly defends" his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan

8/16/2021, 8:30:06 PM

US President Joe Biden defended his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, while acknowledging that the country had fallen "faster" than expected. & nbsp; The United States never had a goal of `` building a nation '' in Afghanistan, he assured. & nbsp;

US President Joe Biden defended his decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, while admitting that the country had fallen "faster" than expected.

The United States has never had the objective of "building a nation" in Afghanistan, he said. 

President Joe Biden "firmly defended" Monday his decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, despite the capture of Kabul by the Taliban. “After 20 years, I have learned reluctantly that there is never a good time to withdraw US forces,” the US president said in an address to the nation. "The truth is that it all happened faster than we expected," he conceded from the White House, however.

"Our mission in Afghanistan was never meant to build a nation. It was never meant to create a centralized unified democracy," continued the US president, adding that the single objective "remains today. and has always been to prevent a terrorist attack on American soil ".

>> More information to follow 

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