Teller Report

Real Madrid comments on a media report claiming that he might move to the Premier League

8/14/2021, 5:40:25 PM

Real Madrid denied - in a statement issued today, Saturday - their desire to leave the Spanish League and move to the English Premier League.

Real Madrid denied - in a statement issued today, Saturday - their desire to leave the Spanish League and move to the English Premier League.

This denial came after a report published by the newspaper "mundo deportivo", in which it was confirmed that the royal administration is considering withdrawing from the League and joining the Premier League.

And the Spanish newspaper indicated - in the report published today, Saturday - that the president of the Madrid club, Florentino Perez, is studying with the board of directors the possibility of leaving the league;

In a new escalation of his ongoing confrontation with the president of the League, Javier Tebas.

However, this step faces a major obstacle after Britain's exit from the European Union, which poses legal and political problems in the accession of Real to the English Premier League.

According to the Premier League's regulations, it will be impossible for the Meringue to join the Premier League because only clubs from England and Wales can play in the Premier League.

According to the newspaper,

Real Madrid is considering other options, including joining the Italian or German league.

And the riyal explained - in his statement - "that this information is completely false, absurd and impossible, and its goal is to disturb - once again - the daily workflow in our club."

In turn, Tebas denied the report, "Mundo Deportivo" today, in a tweet on his official account on Twitter, saying that "there is a lot of nonsense happening these days."