Teller Report

News of the departure of Ashraf bin Sharqi from Zamalek

8/14/2021, 11:07:25 AM

There was strong news within the corridors of the Egyptian club, Zamalek, that the negotiations conducted by the temporary committee in charge of managing the club’s affairs with the Moroccan international player, Ashraf bin Sharqi, had stopped because the two parties did not reach points of agreement on the terms of the contract.

News of the departure of Ashraf bin Sharqi from Zamalek

There was strong news within the corridors of the Egyptian club, Zamalek, that the negotiations conducted by the temporary committee in charge of managing the club’s affairs with the Moroccan international player, Ashraf bin Sharqi, had stopped because the two parties did not reach points of agreement on the terms of the contract.

Media reports stated that Bencharki's lawyer and his agent had requested two million and 400 thousand euros per season to extend the contract, which is the amount that the temporary committee objected to and requested the renewal of the player for one million and 800 thousand euros, which is the amount that the player is scheduled to receive in the last season. who held it.

Ashraf Bin Sharqi signed contracts to transfer to Zamalek for three seasons, in exchange for receiving one million and 400 thousand euros in the first season, increasing to one million and 600 thousand euros in the second season, then one million and 800 thousand euros.

Sources close to the temporary committee of the Zamalek club confirmed that the committee adheres to the amount provided to the player without an increase of one million and 800 thousand euros, at a time when there were leaks about the player receiving many offers from clubs in Qatar and Saudi Arabia to play for them in the next season.

The sources indicated that the officials of the temporary committee agreed on a lawyer and the player’s agent to hold a new negotiation session after the end of the state championship because the player was not busy with renewal contracts and lost his focus inside the green rectangle.

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