Teller Report

Haiti 7.2 earthquake expected multiple casualties "Possibility of catastrophe"

8/14/2021, 4:40:24 PM

A tsunami warning has been issued by the U.S. Geological Survey at around 8:29 a.m. a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred 12 kilometers southwest of Saint-Louis Duchyd, Haiti.

▲ Haiti building collapsed in 7.2 earthquake

A magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck Haiti, an island nation in the Caribbean Sea in North Central America, which is expected to cause many casualties.

According to the US Geological Survey (USGS), a tsunami warning was issued on the 14th (local time) around 8:29 a.m. when a magnitude 7.2 earthquake occurred 12 km southwest of Saint-Louis-Duise, Haiti.

Earthquakes are also known to be strong enough to be detected in neighboring Dominican Republic and Jamaica.

The depth of the epicenter is on the shallow side at 10km and it is 125km away from the capital, Port-au-Prince, so great damage is expected.

"We can confirm that there are deaths, but we don't know the exact number," Haiti's Civil Protection Commissioner Jerry Chandler told AFP.

Immediately after the earthquake, Haiti started an emergency operations center under the command of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

The USGS also said, "There seems to be a lot of casualties.

Photos and videos of buildings collapsing in the earthquake are being uploaded one after another on social media.

Haiti was hit by a magnitude 7.1 earthquake in 2010, killing more than 220,000 people.

The earthquake is known to be larger and has a shallower depth of the epicenter.

(Photo = Caribbean Culture Twitter capture, Yonhap News)

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