Teller Report

Students in search of the ideal roof

8/12/2021, 8:53:39 AM

Dropped into the rental jungle, students often pay dearly for their inexperience by regretting their choice after the fact. 

Barely adult for many, if not yet for some, young people find themselves overnight in the jumble of real estate rentals.

If the offers are legion, the disappointments are even more numerous.

Exorbitant rents and charges, cramped surface area, dilapidated premises and faulty heating, to name a few, are all unpleasant surprises that often await young tenants.

In the private sector as well as in subsidized housing, it is therefore essential to keep an eye out.

Keep your budget

Start by establishing your budget, knowing that you will then eventually be able to benefit from financial assistance from the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) depending on your situation. This being done, you will be able to focus your search on accommodation corresponding to your means. But beware of incidentals. 

If your available budget is 400 euros maximum, aim for advertisements displayed between 300 and 350 euros. In addition to the rent, you must indeed think of the various charges such as electricity, water, heating, maintenance of common areas, as well as an internet subscription, now essential for studying at home. Before the visits, contact the landlords to obtain the details of the charges included in the rent. Information that you will then complete by asking to consult the statement of rental charges for the previous year. As for the energy cost of the home, you can assess it thanks to the mandatory energy label on real estate advertisements, but also by making a phone call to the former tenant.

Do not forget to take into account the cost of transport between your future home and your place of study, as well as that of on-site parking if you have a vehicle.

The price of comfort

The smaller the budget, the more it will be necessary to reduce your rental claims.

However, not everything is acceptable.

The law requires that a rented accommodation be at least 9 m2 and respect the conditions of decency (dilapidation, cleanliness ...).

This does not prevent some donors from embellishing the picture on paper ...

During the visit, then carefully observe the places, especially in the kitchen and the bathroom, rooms prone to mold.

In this regard, also inspect the windows and look for any traces of moisture.

Also, feel free to open each cupboard, test each handle, and run each faucet to see how well they work.

The presence and positioning of electrical and telephone outlets are also important for your daily use.


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Attention to detail

Many neophytes let themselves be captivated by a fresh paint.

But you have to know how to push your investigations further.

  • Energy production: find out about the heating method (individual or collective) and check what types of convectors are installed and where.

  • Sound insulation: a few moments of silence will let you know if you can hear the neighbors.

  • Outdoor space: because a home is also appreciated in relation to its environment, stroll around the neighborhood to soak up the atmosphere and locate shops and public transport lines.

  • Rental

  • Lodging

  • Advice

  • Student