Teller Report

The State Duma will introduce a draft on the inclusion of compulsory military service in seniority

8/11/2021, 11:35:21 PM

Deputies from the United Russia faction and senators will submit a bill to the State Duma, according to which conscript military service will be included in seniority. This was announced by the head of the faction Sergei Neverov.

As noted, it is proposed to provide for changes in the law "On Insurance Pensions".

“The conscription service in the army will be counted in the length of service for early retirement.

"United Russia" will introduce today (August 12. -


) such a bill, "- quoted by TASS Neverov. 

According to him, now Russians have the right to retire two years earlier than the generally established time.

At the same time, for men, the work experience must reach at least 42 years, and for women - 37 years, but the citizens themselves must be at least 60 and 55 years old, respectively.

“However, the length of service required for this now includes only periods of work and one non-insurance period - the period of being on sick leave,” the deputy added.

He emphasized that a Russian who served two years of military service and then worked without interruption, by the age of 60, "cannot accumulate the necessary 42 years, although he devoted these two missing years to an honorable duty - service to the Motherland."

In March, senators, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Russia, discussed the inclusion of military service in the army in the length of service for early retirement.

Subsequently, the Russian government decided to simplify early retirement in a number of professions: now, the length of service, which gives such a right, will include periods of study and additional vocational education, including refresher courses.

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