Teller Report

Rescuers flew to the crash site of the Mi-8 in Kamchatka

8/11/2021, 11:59:05 PM

Rescuers and divers flew to the crash site of the Mi-8 helicopter in Kamchatka. This was reported in the press service of the regional government.

"The divers of the SPSC FPS of the State Border Guard Service of the Kamchatka Territory, consisting of 3 people, and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, consisting of 7 people, including 3 divers, flew to the South Kamchatka reserve," the message says.

As noted, low clouds are observed at the scene.

The press service added that after receiving information about the crash of the helicopter, the governor of the Kamchatka Territory Vladimir Solodov promptly flew to the scene.

Earlier it was reported that a helicopter crashed in Kamchatka with 16 people on board.

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