Teller Report

Citizens hunt a rare animal "honey badger" in Ras Al Khaimah

8/11/2021, 8:41:15 PM

Citizens hunted the deadly "honey badger" animal the day before yesterday in one of the areas in the Emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, where they were able to seize it and put it inside an iron box and hand it over to the competent authorities to take care of it. Today",

Citizens hunt a rare animal "honey badger" in Ras Al Khaimah

Citizens hunted the killer "honey badger" the day before yesterday in one of the areas in the emirate of Ras Al Khaimah, where they were able to seize it and put it inside an iron box and hand it over to the competent authorities to take care of it.

The Director General of the Environment Protection and Development Authority in Ras Al Khaimah, Dr. Saif Al Ghais, told "Emirates Today" that some young citizens seized the "honey badger" animal in the emirate, which is considered one of the rare mammals found in the Arabian Peninsula, where it feeds on plants and animals. It is spread in India and the Arabian Peninsula.

He made it clear that the "honey badger" is an animal that can kill humans, and it is never permissible to raise it, as it poses a danger to public safety, and he pointed out that as soon as the animal was seized, the authority was informed, which began cooperating with the competent authorities to take care of it, take care of it and transport it to a safe place.

Articles 17 to 23 of Federal Law No. 22 of 2016, regulating the possession of dangerous animals, stipulate penalties of up to life imprisonment, if a dangerous animal is used to attack a human being, and the assault leads to death.

The law also prohibits, in Article Three, any natural or legal person from owning, possessing, circulating or breeding any dangerous animals, with the exception of Article Four of the establishment that has a license such as zoos, animal parks, circuses, breeding centers, specialized care and accommodation centers, research centers and institutions. Scientific studies whose work requires the availability of dangerous animals, in accordance with the conditions and controls specified by the executive regulations of the law.

Articles 8 and 9 of the law require anyone who finds any dangerous animals loose or strayed, or learns of a dangerous animal in possession of an unlicensed possessor, to report it immediately to the relevant ministry, the competent authority, or the nearest police station.

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