Teller Report

A storm warning was announced in Yalta

8/11/2021, 8:14:03 PM

The mayor of Yalta Yanina Pavlenko said that a storm warning was announced in the city on August 12. “In the central, southern and eastern regions of Crimea, very heavy rains, heavy hail, a squall of 20-25 m / s are expected,” Pavlenko wrote on her Vkontakte page. According to her, emergencies, landslides, mudflows, subsidence of soil and flooding of territories are possible. The mayor urged to refrain from walking and boat trips and, if possible, stay at home. “We are working in high alert mo

“In the central, southern and eastern regions of Crimea, very heavy rains, heavy hail, a squall of 20-25 m / s are expected,” Pavlenko wrote on her Vkontakte page.

According to her, emergencies, landslides, mudflows, subsidence of soil and flooding of territories are possible.

The mayor urged to refrain from walking and boat trips and, if possible, stay at home.

“We are working in high alert mode,” she concluded, noting that an emergency commission will be assembled in the morning.

Earlier it was reported that all the beaches of Yalta are open for swimming after the flood, sea water meets sanitary standards.

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