Teller Report

UAV developers will be able to receive subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Trade

8/9/2021, 5:48:39 AM

Developers of unmanned vehicles will be able to apply for subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of up to 500 thousand rubles for testing highly automated vehicles (VATS). This was reported in the press service of the department.

As reminds TASS, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has proposed to extend the granting of subsidies to testers of drones on public roads until 2022.

"The maximum subsidy for the assessment of one highly automated vehicle carried out by a testing laboratory is no more than 500 thousand rubles and includes compensation for the costs of wages of employees directly involved in the work, insurance premiums, consumables and overhead costs," they said in ministry.

For the implementation of the project in 2022, it is planned to allocate no more than 50 million rubles from the federal budget.

“As part of the experiment, it is necessary to test unmanned vehicles, which is an expensive procedure, including the development of test methods for compliance with the requirements of UN rules, which are applied by Russia by virtue of participation in international agreements, as well as the purchase of the necessary equipment.

The cost of testing is a significant obstacle for the mass participation of VPATS development companies in the experiment, ”the ministry said.

In April last year, President Vladimir Putin instructed the government to develop a set of measures for the phased introduction of vehicles on the roads without the presence of a test engineer in the cabin.