Teller Report

Four people died in an accident in the Vologda region

8/8/2021, 3:36:13 PM

Four people were killed in an accident in the Vytegorsk district in the Vologda region on the Medvezhyegorsk-Vologda road. The head of the region, Oleg Kuvshinnikov, announced this on his VKontakte page.

“A terrible tragedy took place today in the Vytegorsk region on the Medvezhyegorsk-Vologda road.

As a result of the road accident, 4 people died - a family from the Saratov region.

Our doctors did everything possible to save the driver and passenger, but the injuries were not compatible with life.

Two more passengers died on the spot.

Residents of Karelia, who were driving in the second car, also suffered.

They were taken to our regional hospital, ”Kuvshinnikov said.

All the circumstances of the accident are being investigated.

Earlier in the Primorsky Territory, a ten-year-old boy died as a result of a car accident.

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