Teller Report

Several US diplomats suffer from mysterious symptoms

7/23/2021, 11:38:27 AM

Hundreds of American diplomats and their relatives say they have suffered from mysterious symptoms, such as nausea, hearing loss and upset balance. According to a US investigation, it could be warfare with microwave weapons. - It is absolutely terrible, says Tomas Hurtig, research leader at the Swedish Armed Forces' research institute and expert on microwave weapons.

An investigation from the National Academy in the USA, which was published last year, states that up to 200 American diplomats and their relatives have developed symptoms.

It is not known for sure where the symptoms come from, but there is a suspicion.

- They have looked at different possibilities, whether it can be chemical, biological or psychological warfare but also microwave weapons, which seems to be the most likely reason, says Tomas Hurtig.

The victims have experienced symptoms such as nausea, hearing loss and upset balance.

- The report also states that some have permanent problems with headaches and dizziness, says Tomas Hurtig.

Called Havana Syndrome

The investigation was made after the first cases were discovered at the US Embassy in Cuba in 2016. There, several diplomats suddenly fell ill with these symptoms.

The mysterious condition is therefore called Havana syndrome.

In most cases, microwave weapons are used as part of telecommunications warfare, to disrupt or destroy opponents' electronic systems.

- It is not the intention to direct it at people.

Something has probably been built here to make an impact on people, says Tomas Hurtig.

He believes that this is absolutely nothing that Sweden or other Western democracy countries are doing.

- It's absolutely awful, I've never heard of anything like it.

The CIA has added a special force

It is not known who is behind the suspected microwave attacks.

- It is very difficult to say, because if you are exposed to a microwave attack, no traces are left.

There are no bullets or the like that you can look at.

It is almost as if you need to catch them in the act, says Tomas Hurtig.

The most recent cases, which were discovered a few days ago, were in the Austrian capital Vienna, where microwave weapons are still suspected.

To get to the bottom of this, the CIA has appointed a special force, led by the same person who captured Osama bin Laden.

- The effort has just begun, and we do not yet know if it will be possible to take part in open reports from there, says Tomas Hurtig.

In the video, Thomas Hurtig talks about which nations have access to microwave weapons and why.