Teller Report

World news: Rainews' international press review

7/22/2021, 6:13:33 AM

Let's start with what many in recent years have called the pipeline of discord. The north stream 2. Yesterday the United States and Germany gave the green light for the complete pipeline that will double the flow of Russian gas to Europe, through the Baltic, bypassing Kiev. Frankfurter allmeine zeitung Opening the news of aid for the victims of the flood, 400 million euros the package approved yesterday by the Bundestag and the regions and in medium cut b Berlin avoids sanctions on nord stream 2. Agreement with usa / insurance for l 'ukraine / greens: signals broadened to Putin. The completion of the north stream 2 pipeline will no longer be hampered by threats of US sanctions after berlin and washington have agreed on the details of an accompanying agreement.The clauses made include the political guarantee that ukraine should remain a transit country for Russian gas supplies after 2024, that germany "will take national measures against russia and insist on adequate eu sanctions if the pipeline is used. as a political "weapon" and that Ukraine would be promised billions in payments. Deutsche welle Homepage of German public radio, Germany and the United States reach agreement on north stream. Long controversial pipeline was opposed by Washington but Chancellor Merkel made it a key political target in light of the electoral campaign before leaving office in September remember in Germany we vote on September 26. Tageszeitung Schroeder's Lifetime Achievement CompletedFormer Social Democratic Chancellor Schroeder was a key figure in this pipeline in 2005, he signed an agreement with Putin and is president of the north stream consortium. Left-wing opposition voice Tageszeitung writes as germany is struggling with floods and forests are burning in karelia and yakutia, there seems to be nothing more important to politicians than preserving a major fossil fuel project. This is regrettable. Now let's go back to talking about the pegasus case after the maxi journalistic investigation that revealed how journalists, political opponents and even heads of state and government have been spied on through Israeli software, nso. Figaro Figaro writes pegasus wave of political and diplomatic shock the methods of the software that has spied on the phones of several politicians,including that of Emmanuel Macron. One wonders if there is a risk of foreign interference in France Guardian weekly We remember this investigation that we find in the Guardian weekly under their eyes. Here's how autocratic regimes use spyware software to target naysayers. Liberation Espionage no but hello, what are you saying? It makes irony liberation that defines the Elysée palace of lightness and writes the revelations on the targeting of Emmanuel Macron's home phone via the pegasus spyware highlight the vulnerabilities associated with the use of personal tools by political representatives. The coronavirus pandemic in British newspapers two different aspects, let's see the nurses threaten the strike to increase the salary of 3 percent for public employees,NHS Guardian Ministers offered more than 1 million NHS employees in England a 3% salary increase, three times higher than its initial 1% offer that sparked fury among frontline workers. However, nurses are likely to reject the premium as too low and may take industrial action in protest. Other health unions are also planning to vote their memberships on possible strike actions. This is because the government wants to exclude 61,000 nhs junior doctors from pay. A key group of staff already went on strike in 2015 against a proposed new contract. L'pay raise offer comes after the covid pandemic left hospitals overwhelmed and forced staff to provide full personal protective equipment to clear. Waiting lists hit record 5 million Daily telegraph Ping pandemic, a play on words ... Pingdemic puts supermarket supplies at risk. In the UK, an app warns you if you have been in contact with an infected person and recommends isolation. Thousands of notifications sent. Many supermarkets report: over half of our staff has received an alert. And so there is a lack of staff in grocery stores The flood in China in Henan at least 12 dead thousands displaced and missing struck the provincial capital Gengiou China daily Daily voice of the party,in English Xi Jinping stresses the importance of people's safety. Thousands of soldiers, firefighters sent to flood-affected areas of Henan province to help with relief, President Xi Jinping urged all efforts to carry out flood prevention and rescue activities to protect people's lives and property, requiring officials at various levels to work at the forefront to rapidly mobilize all available resources. Financial times A theme on the page of the financial times is also the dramatic photo of people clinging to the Gengiou metro where some passengers drowned in all 25 victims and dozens of missing a rain underlines the ft that happens once in a thousand years. At the opening then theeternal dispute between the uk and the eu over brexit the eu has categorically rejected the uk's proposals to radically rewrite the brexit deal in relation to northern ireland, launching london and brussels into a renewed conflict and sharpening mistrust in an already strained relationship. Boris johnson, british premier, wants to renegotiate the agreement he made with brussels in 2019 to regulate post-brexit trade with northern ireland, even if it has only been in force since the beginning of the year. Spanish newspapers El pais The government corrects itself and will use public money to finance the trial The court of auditors is inclined to reject the guarantee that the Catalan government presented this Wednesday to provide bail of 5,4 million requested from 34 former senior public officials of the generalitat for undue expenses, as indicated to el pasi sources of the control body. In order to reconstruct history, the Catalan government is ready to offer the necessary guarantees for the payment of a maxi-bail of 5.4 million euros requested by the Spanish Court of Auditors from more than 30 separatist political leaders. The organization considers them presumed responsible for having illegally used public funds to promote the secessionist project abroad and demands the sum indicated as a deposit pending ascertainment of any liability. Abc same news on abc which, however, in low cut has an interesting data concerning Italy. Spain and Italy have the highest price of electricity in the whole European Union writes abc.And here is a graph on the site that shows at a glance Italy has the most expensive energy price in all of Europe. These are prices of the protected market underlines abc we close with an anniversary a sad anniversary. Ten years after the utoya massacre where ten years ago the right-wing extremist anders behring breivik shot and killed eight people with a bomb in oslo, before reaching the island of utoya dressed as a police officer to kill with blows firearm 69 people who attended a youth Labor Party rally, injuring dozens more. From the editorial staff TheEU takes control of cryptocurrencies The European Commission updates the rules against money laundering The European Commission has published a draft of new rules against money laundering and terrorist financing - package of measures includes the creation of a common supranational regulator to all EU countries in this area and suggests stricter requirements for the circulation of cryptocurrencies. Payment service providers should collect information about the senders and recipients of transfers in virtual goods, similar to conventional electronic payments. The European Commission has unveiled a plan to launch a new supranational regulator, the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA). The Commission estimates that around 39; 1% of the annual GDP of theEU is now involved in suspicious financial activities. The new structure is expected to come into operation by 2024 and will coordinate at European level the work of national authorities in implementing the updated common rules of the Union and of supervisors responsible for financial and non-financial institutions. In addition, AMLA would also directly oversee some of the most risky financial institutions operating in a large number of EU states or requiring action to address risks. To be approved, these Commission proposals must be approved by representatives of all countries and the European Parliament. The Commission proposes to close the regulatory gap and extend comprehensive controls to such assets as well - by banning anonymous cryptocurrency wallets in theEU and requesting full disclosure of sender and recipient information. This information would be provided by the cryptocurrency payment service providers for all transfers - just like for electronic transfers. This would allow suspicious transactions to be traced and blocked if necessary, explains the Commission. Access to traditional account information will also be facilitated. Existing European legislation already requires specific registers or mechanisms in EU countries to obtain information on bank accounts and their owners. The Commission is now proposing a cross-border system linking these national registers or mechanisms.This would allow law enforcement authorities to quickly determine whether a suspect has bank accounts in other EU member states and thus facilitate financial investigations and asset recovery in international cases, the Commission explains. Gestion (Peru) Cuba: the great chess master in prison after the protests goes on hunger strike The great Spanish-Cuban chess master Arián González, 32, after being jailed for participating in the massive anti-government protests of 11 July, he has been on hunger strike for three days and will do so "as long as his health permits". "He is strong in his decision", as confirmed by the girlfriend of the also lawyer, who had been arrested for a week for alleged crimes of public disorder and incitement to the masses,crimes that Cuban law punishes with sentences ranging from three months to one year in prison. González is currently in La Pendiente prison, in the province of Villa Clara (center), awaiting trial. He was transferred there from the Camajuaní Police Station, where he was held for several days. His partner has expressed concern for the health of the Grand Master, although so far she has not seen him "very physically exhausted". The chess player resides in the Spanish city of Orense and traveled to Cuba in early July to care for his diabetic mother. "We are a close-knit family who will never leave you alone, no matter what happens," undersigned his girlfriend, Massiel, who thanked for the support of other great chess masters and other people.As for the next step, González's lawyer commented that he "will do everything possible to get approval for a visit as soon as possible". Since the July 11 protests, in the absence of official data, activists have documented more than 500 arrests, including several minors. And while religious organizations assist the families of those arrested, the first harsh testimonies of released people are emerging.the first harsh testimonies of people released are emerging.the first harsh testimonies of people released are emerging.  


July 21, 2021 Let's start with what many in recent years have called the pipeline of discord.

The north stream 2. Yesterday the United States and Germany gave the green light for the complete pipeline that will double the flow of Russian gas to Europe, through the Baltic, bypassing Kiev.

Frankfurter allmeine zeitung

Opening the news of aid for the victims of the flood, 400 million euros the package approved yesterday by the Bundestag and the regions

and in medium cut b

Berlin avoids sanctions on nord stream 2. Agreement with usa / insurance for l ukraine / greens: signals broadly to Putin.

The completion of the north stream 2 pipeline will no longer be hampered by threats of US sanctions after berlin and washington have agreed on the details of an accompanying agreement. The clauses made include the political guarantee that ukraine should remain a transit country for Russian gas supplies after 2024, that germany "will take national measures against russia and insist on adequate eu sanctions if the pipeline is used. as a political "weapon" and that Ukraine would be promised billions in payments.

Deutsche welle

Homepage of German public radio, Germany and the United States reach agreement on north stream. The controversial pipeline has long been opposed by Washington but Chancellor Merkel made it a fundamental political target in the light of the electoral campaign before leaving office in September.


Schroeder's lifelong work completed former Social Democratic Chancellor Schroeder was a key figure in this pipeline in 2005 he signed an agreement with Putin and is president of the north stream consortium. Left-wing opposition voice Tageszeitung writes as germany is struggling with floods and forests are burning in karelia and yakutia, there seems to be nothing more important to politicians than preserving a major fossil fuel project. This is regrettable.

Now let's go back to talking about the pegasus case after the maxi journalistic investigation that revealed how journalists, political opponents and even heads of state and government have been spied on through Israeli software, nso.


Figaro writes pegasus wave of political and diplomatic shock

the methods of the software that has spied on the phones of several politicians, including that of Emmanuel Macron.

One wonders if there is a risk of foreign interference in France 

Guardian weekly

We remember this investigation that we find in the Guardian weekly under their eyes.

Here's how autocratic regimes use spyware software to target naysayers. 


Espionage no but hello, what are you saying?

It makes irony liberation that defines the Elysée palace of lightness and writes the revelations on the targeting of Emmanuel Macron's home phone via the pegasus spyware highlight the vulnerabilities associated with the use of personal tools by political representatives.

The coronavirus pandemic in British newspapers two different aspects, let


see them

the nurses threaten the strike to increase the salary of 3 percent for public employees, those of the nhs


Ministers offered more than 1 million NHS employees in England a 3% salary increase, three times higher than its initial 1% offer that sparked fury among frontline workers. However, nurses are likely to reject the premium as too low and may take industrial action in protest. Other health unions are also planning to vote their memberships on possible strike actions. This is because the government wants to exclude 61,000 nhs junior doctors from pay. A key group of staff already went on strike in 2015 against a proposed new contract. L'pay raise offer comes after the covid pandemic left hospitals overwhelmed and forced staff to provide full personal protective equipment to clear. Waiting lists have hit a record 5 million patients 

Daily telegraph

The ping pandemic, a play on words ... Pingdemic puts supermarket supplies at risk. In the UK, an app warns you if you have been in contact with an infected person and recommends isolation. Thousands of notifications sent. Many supermarkets report: over half of our staff has received an alert. And so there is a lack of staff in grocery stores

The flood in China in Henan at least 12 dead thousands displaced and missing hit the provincial capital Gengiou

China daily

Daily voice of the party, in English

Xi Jinping stresses the importance of people's safety.

Thousands of soldiers, firefighters sent to the flood-affected areas of Henan province to help with relief 

, President Xi Jinping urged all efforts to carry out flood prevention and rescue activities to protect people's lives and property, requiring officials at various levels to work at the forefront to rapidly mobilize all available resources.

Financial times

A theme on the page of the financial times is also the dramatic photo of people clinging to the Gengiou metro where some passengers drowned in all 25 victims and dozens of missing a rain underlines the ft that happens once in a thousand years.

The eternal dispute between the United Kingdom and the European Union on Brexit opens

the eu has flatly rejected the uk's proposals to radically rewrite the brexit deal in relation to northern ireland, launching london and brussels into a renewed conflict and heightening mistrust in an already tense relationship. Boris johnson, british premier, wants to renegotiate the agreement he made with brussels in 2019 to regulate post-brexit trade with northern ireland, even if it has only been in force since the beginning of the year. 

Spanish newspapers

El pais

The government corrects itself and will use public money to finance the trial 

The court of auditors is inclined to reject the guarantee that the Catalan government presented this Wednesday to provide bail of 5.4 million requested from 34 former senior public officials of the generalitat for undue expenses, as indicated to el pasi sources of the control body.

In order to reconstruct history, the Catalan government is ready to offer the necessary guarantees for the payment of a maxi-bail of 5.4 million euros requested by the Spanish Court of Auditors from more than 30 separatist political leaders. The organization considers them presumed responsible for having illegally used public funds to promote the secessionist project abroad and demands the sum indicated as a deposit pending ascertainment of any liability.  


same news on abc

which, however, in low cut has an interesting data concerning Italy. Spain and Italy have the highest price of electricity in the whole European Union writes abc.

And here is a graph on the site that shows at a glance Italy has the most expensive energy price in all of Europe. These are protected market prices abc points out

we close a sad anniversary with an anniversary. The ten years since the utoya massacre where ten years ago the right-wing extremist anders behring breivik shot and killed eight people with a bomb in oslo, before reaching the island of utoya dressed as a police officer to kill with blows firearm 69 people who attended a youth Labor Party rally, injuring dozens more.

From the editorial staff

The EU takes control of cryptocurrencies

The European Commission updates the rules against money laundering

The European Commission has published a draft of new rules against money laundering and terrorist financing - the package of measures includes the creation of a supranational regulator common to all EU countries in this sector and suggests stricter requirements for the circulation of cryptocurrencies. Payment service providers should collect information about the senders and recipients of virtual goods transfers, similar to conventional electronic payments.

The European Commission has unveiled a plan to launch a new supranational regulator, the Anti-Money Laundering Authority (AMLA). The Commission estimates that around 39; 1% of the EU's annual GDP is now involved in suspicious financial activity. The new structure is expected to come into operation by 2024 and will coordinate at European level the work of national authorities in implementing the updated common rules of the Union and of supervisors responsible for financial and non-financial institutions.

In addition, AMLA would also directly oversee some of the most risky financial institutions operating in a large number of EU states or requiring action to address risks. To be approved, these Commission proposals must be approved by representatives of all countries and the European Parliament.

The Commission proposes to close the regulatory gap and extend comprehensive controls to such assets as well - by banning anonymous cryptocurrency wallets in the EU and requiring full disclosure of sender and recipient information.

This information would be provided by the cryptocurrency payment service providers for all transfers - just like for electronic transfers. This would allow suspicious transactions to be traced and blocked if necessary, explains the Commission.

Access to traditional account information will also be facilitated. Existing European legislation already requires specific registers or mechanisms in EU countries to obtain information on bank accounts and their owners. The Commission is now proposing a cross-border system linking these national registers or mechanisms. This would allow law enforcement authorities to quickly determine whether a suspect has bank accounts in other EU member states and thus facilitate financial investigations and asset recovery in international cases, the Commission explains.

Gestion (Peru) 

Cuba: the great chess master in prison after the protests


on hunger strike

The great Spanish-Cuban chess master Arián González, 32, after being jailed for participating in the massive anti-government protests of 11 July, he has been on hunger strike for three days and will do so "as long as his health permits". "He is strong in his decision", as confirmed by the girlfriend of the also lawyer, who had been arrested for a week for alleged crimes of public disorder and incitement to the masses, crimes that Cuban law punishes with sentences ranging from three months to one year in prison.

González is currently in La Pendiente prison, in the province of Villa Clara (center), awaiting trial. He was transferred there from the Camajuaní Police Station, where he was held for several days. His partner has expressed concern for the health of the Grand Master, although so far she has not seen him "very physically exhausted". The chess player resides in the Spanish city of Orense and traveled to Cuba in early July to care for his diabetic mother. "We are a close-knit family who will never leave you alone, no matter what happens," undersigned his girlfriend, Massiel, who thanked for the support of other great chess masters and other people. As for the next step, González's lawyer commented that "will do everything possible to obtain approval for a visit as soon as possible. "Since the protests of 11 July, in the absence of official data, activists have documented more than 500 arrests, including several minors. And while religious organizations are assisting the families of those arrested, the first harsh testimonies of people released are emerging.