Teller Report

Great heat today | May the wind and rain be cool

7/21/2021, 11:46:16 PM

Great heat, one of the twenty-four solar terms, and the last solar term in summer. Like Xiaoshu, Dashu is also a season that reflects the degree of heat in summer, while Dashu means extremely hot weather. The ancient Chinese divided the great summer heat into three periods: "In the first period, the rot is a firefly; in the second period, the soil is moisturized by the hot summer; in the third p

  Great heat, one of the twenty-four solar terms, and the last solar term in summer.

Like Xiaoshu, Dashu is also a season that reflects the degree of heat in summer, while Dashu means extremely hot weather.

The ancient Chinese divided the great summer heat into three periods: "In the first period, the rot is a firefly; in the second period, the soil is moisturized by the hot summer; in the third period, it goes when it rains.

  "The summer solar term coincides with the "zhongfu" in the "dog days". It is the hottest period of the year, when the temperature is the highest, and the crops grow the fastest. During the summer, there must be no less melons and fruits, no less vegetables, and no sleep. Less; in the summer season, after the wind and rain, I hope the summer will be refreshed. (PS. Have you discovered what food is hidden in the landscape in the painting?)

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