Teller Report

Ontario, Canada enters the third phase of restart ahead of schedule

7/17/2021, 12:09:37 PM

On July 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, although the restaurant can resume dine-in, the outdoor dining area still attracts many diners. Due to the improvement of the new crown epidemic, Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, where Toronto is located, has entered the third step of the three-step restart plan, including catering, fitness, entertainment and other indoor services and various outdo

On July 16, local time, Toronto, Canada, although the restaurant can resume dine-in, the outdoor dining area still attracts many diners.

Due to the improvement of the new crown epidemic, Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, where Toronto is located, has entered the third step of the three-step restart plan, including catering, fitness, entertainment and other indoor services and various outdoor activities to a greater extent. Open or resume operations.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yu Ruidong

Release time: 2021-07-17 18:09:40 【Editor: Wang Yi】