Teller Report

Work theory and roadmap for the great Algerian dream

7/14/2021, 11:49:53 AM

The facts of the participatory attempts and experiences with the rule of the military never lie, because the rule of the military is firm and has specific characteristics, methods and means, and it never retreats.

The facts of the participatory attempts and experiences with the rule of the military never lie, because the rule of the military is fixed and has specific characteristics, ways and means, and it never retreats, but is silent and waits until the crush repeats every time, and for every generation tries to liberate and achieve its right to power and wealth, in return the dream, aspirations and demands of the people are constant With a real democratic transformation, a path of development, a comprehensive civilizational renaissance, economic growth, and an improvement in income and standard of living.

Which requires new entitlements:

  • Thinking in a different way, producing and owning various pressure tools that put the system in front of enforceable entitlements.

  • Awareness of who we are and what we want, by stopping to perform the functional roles and tasks of the regime by granting it legitimacy and contributing to numbing and hypnotizing the people and missing opportunities for liberation again and again.

  • Abandoning the network of intellectual and psychological obstacles that created the stages of weakness and humiliation, surrender and acceptance of the status quo, coexistence and normalization with tyranny and contentment with humiliation and humiliation under a corrupt and failed rule and humiliating dependence on France, and stopping at the limits of demand and begging, to the organized popular pressure, for freedom and rights are not granted, but are taken away from Between the fangs of the tyrant by force and coercion, where he has no options to hand over to the people.

  • The continued presence of the pioneers of national reform among the people’s representatives at the forefront of the popular movement, the preservation of the revolutionary spirit, vigilance and popular vitality, and the transfer of society from subconsciousness to awareness with innovative, renewed ideas to pressure and force the regime in the name of the popular movement for a period of 48 weeks in the capital and continuing until its demands are fulfilled, which extends to 57 municipalities: The totality of all the municipalities of Algeria, which continues in the streets until it achieves its demands that it will not deviate from even if it continues for the next 100 weeks and to revitalize historical memory, awaken national minds, and correct good intentions.

With Hassan al-Banna's first candidacy for the parliamentary elections in Egypt in February 1942;

The idea was to ascend a high official platform to convey the voice and ideas of advocacy, liberation and reform to all people, not to convey the voice of the people to the ruling regime.

Some scientific, logical and historical facts

Participation in governance:

means the effective equal participation in the powers of the presidency and the Council of Ministers, capable of achieving real cultural, social and political change.

Participation in parliamentary elections

: gaining parliamentary seats and a limited share of ministerial seats, and that means several things:

  • Full recognition of the ruling regime, and the strengthening of the legitimacy of its rule.

  • The transformation from a national liberation movement to an opposition to the regime represents a decorative part of it.

  • Exit from abandoning the movement and the popular mood in the comprehensive change of the system to the claim of reforming the system.

  • Exit from the vastness of the national situation in the squares and streets of the national movement to narrowness, darkness, domination and pressures from the seats and government rooms of Parliament.

  • Shifting from breaking the regime and demanding his departure to intermarriage with the regime and living within his family.

  • Shifting from a hand pressuring the regime until it passes into a trumpet hand for the regime to numb and hypnotize the people and remove them from the equation of governance and public affairs altogether.

The philosophy of reformist Islamists in entering parliament:

With Hassan al-Banna's first candidacy for the parliamentary elections in Egypt in February 1942;

The idea was to ascend a high official platform to convey the voice and ideas of advocacy, liberation and reform to all people, not to convey the voice of the people to the ruling regime;

Because it is necessarily a system of government that does not represent the people and does not care about the voice, aspirations, or demands of the people, and with the ABCs of logic and the facts of history, it was not a means to reach power, for an authoritarian regime can only hand over power through a revolution or major social change and forces capable of dismantling the tyranny regime and forcing him to leave.

The political harvest of 79 years of parliamentary attempts and participation - at the level of the countries of the Arab world in Egypt, the Maghreb countries, Jordan, Sudan and Yemen - is zero, as nothing has been achieved from the goals of liberation, democratic transformation, development and exit from the tunnel of the Third World, with the exception of the "Hamas" movement, which lives the data Occupation is a special case.

Military rule

The military imagines themselves as the owners and protectors of the entire state and its capabilities. The state is the state of the army, and not, like the rest of the democratic world, that the army is the army of the state.

  • The military does not accept a partner with them in thinking, decision, judgment and wealth.

  • The military intends to achieve security and stability;

    The stability of the regime’s control, the surrender and the submissiveness of the people.

  • The military has one repeated template for dealing with the liberation forces and their opponents, and its goal is to isolate the active forces, crush the opposition, and assert complete control, in the name of achieving security and stability.

  • The military is always working to conceal the awareness of the people, divide it, weaken it, and remove it completely from the ruling equation.

  • The military hand over power to each other by settling internal scores between them through successive coups.

  • The military are the real colonial men in power. Their culture, identity, affiliation, loyalty and work is to secure the interests of the French colonizer.

In this general context, Algeria turned into the state of the army, as the Algerian state placed all its capabilities in the hands of the military who have controlled power since July 1962, through 8 military coups, 9 presidents and 17 ministries, all appointed by the president, which represents an era of absolute authoritarian rule. And the nature of the military rule is that it will not hand over power and give up the gains it obtains only by compulsion, and its plans to undermine the people’s chances of liberation and access to rule were made clear in the mid-nineties, when the Algerian people were taken to a general disciplinary campaign with a black decade as a result of the people’s rebellion against them in the local elections, approaching judgment.

  • The army has also mastered the subjugation of political forces and transformed them into performing specific functional roles:

  • By participating in the charade of democracy and fictitious elections, which do not lead to any political changes.

  • Repeatedly granting legitimacy to a failed and corrupt regime that only represents French interests.

  • Anesthetizing and pacifying the people and controlling them within their organizational and party frameworks.

In this general context, we can present an integrated work theory, and a proposed roadmap for change and reform, that answers a question;

What is the strategy of liberation and democratization that consists of 3 elements?

Each stage has its own founding men who are able to get rid of the ideological fortunes of themselves for the sake of the homeland, and now it is their turn in Algeria to establish the complete and final liberation from the French military rule of Algeria.

  • The path: It is the unification of the reformist forces in the path of the peaceful popular political struggle, which is the national reform movement.

  • The means: namely, the continuous popular movement, the preparation of a comprehensive alternative to the regime, new leaders of the state and an alternative national project.

  • Renewed innovative tricks: by transmitting the dream and the national project to its true owners, the Algerian people;

    to adopt it and take responsibility for its implementation.

  • The only force that cannot be confronted is the power of a conscious people who have a dream, a working theory, and a road map to achieve it.

    The trend of reformists from opposition to liberation

    Each stage has its own founding men who are able to get rid of their own ideological fortunes for the sake of the homeland, and now it is their turn in Algeria to establish a complete and final liberation from the French military rule for Algeria, by forming a network of new reformers by uniting all the entities seeking liberation, consisting of Islamists, secularists, liberals, socialists, independents, civilians and military, The assimilation and inclusion of all the enemies of the regime, from the dissidents, the marginalized and those affected by it, and the shift from organizational and partisan nomenclature to a title and only one title, which is the reformist current to achieve the great Algerian dream.

    Algerian reform road map

    • Understanding and planning the stage of liberation and democratization as a special stage of the country's life with special goals.

    • They differ from the normal goals of stability and development, and therefore special laws that differ from the laws of stable democratic systems.

      Among the causes of repeated previous failures;

      Use the laws of other stages in place.

      (There will be a special article on the laws governing the stage of liberalization and democratization).

    • Siege the regime by refraining from participating in the regime's government, whose signs and features were confirmed by the regime's insistence on ignoring the messages and demands of the Algerian people and proceeding on its sterile path.

    • Defining a new agenda related to the tasks and roles of reformist parliamentarians, in the context of their being pioneers and leaders of liberation and national reform, they do not recognize this government in which they did not participate according to their vision and popular reformist will, and they are not opposed to the regime, they are absorbed, consumed and drained in detailed issues that are useless and strategically useless , where it serves strategically within the regime's agenda, in addition to the scheme to burn and isolate them popularly.

    • Participation in the design of a single national project that is an alternative to the current authoritarian government project, on which the elites and the people gather to fill the vacuum of the regime and realize Algeria’s dream of establishing a national project that will transfer Algerian society from the ideology of organizations and parties to a social contract and a dream that can be achieved with a single agreed cultural, economic and political project. Which represents the focal point and the supreme reference for the Algerian people and political forces, and it is a national project for reform that includes 3 detailed projects for the new Algerian state:


    The civilized national identity project for all of Algeria, which answers the question: Who are we with all our components?

    It is a cultural project and a social contract that accommodates all components on the basis of recognition and mutual respect and combines the preservation of the ideological privacy of each party and the general national project, while giving precedence to the project and the supreme national interest over private partisanship.


    The economic project that answers the questions of corruption, development, unemployment, diversification and growth of the economy, income and standard of living.


    The political project that explains how to achieve political reform and democratic transformation.

    • Transferring the dream and the project to the street and to its true owners, by promoting culture and societal awareness of the national project and the great Algerian dream by all means and tools of visual, readable, audible and tangible education through the eyes and mind of the ordinary citizen, through partisan and cultural centers, mosques, squares and streets to enter all Algerian homes, the first of which are the homes of the military and security, who are The solid force on which the regime relies, so that the dream and the national project turn into a general culture and a dream that every Algerian young man, girl and child carries.

    • Returning to the people and to the squares and streets, understanding the aspirations and demands of the people and formulating them in the national project.

    • Preserving the organized civilized popular movement as one way to put pressure on the regime and respond to the people’s demands, and to redevelop and organize the popular movement to achieve an equation of effective pressure on the regime and deprive it of any justification for violence, and to win new segments every day, especially among the regime’s sons and the military and security.

    • Expanding the preparation of alternative national cadres to rule from the new statesmen, especially the youth, with the cooperation of the reformist forces’ committees, and the establishment of joint training centers and incubators to accommodate, qualify and train all members of the reformist movement.

    • Preparing a unified list of popular demands for a full democratic transformation. The political elites gather and sign it, then take to the street to be signed by intellectuals, artists, athletes, and all the people, including professionals, workers, peasants and students. It is published in all media, social media, newspapers, on the walls of the streets and in every place where people are.

    • A first minister outside the regime, a national unity government of technocrats, reorganizing the powers of the president, expanding the area of ​​public freedoms, greater powers and support for government and local units, prosecuting the gang, liberating all detainees and securing a suitable livelihood for them.

    • Spreading awareness and hope, preserving the daily popular vitality of the continuous pressure on the regime, and expanding the field of popular pressure on the regime in parallel between the movement of the capital and the states.