Teller Report

Jérôme Salomon, Director General of Health, will leave his post

7/14/2021, 8:16:37 PM

The Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon will be "called to other functions" New career for a figure in the Covid-19 crisis. Jérôme Salomon will soon leave his post of Director General of Health, "called to other functions," said a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health on Wednesday. The date of his departure has not yet been set, pending the appointment of his successor, was still content to explain this same source, confirming information from Paris Match . Familiar f

New career for a figure in the Covid-19 crisis.

Jérôme Salomon will soon leave his post of Director General of Health, "called to other functions," said a spokesperson for the Ministry of Health on Wednesday.

The date of his departure has not yet been set, pending the appointment of his successor, was still content to explain this same source, confirming information from

Paris Match


Familiar figure of the health crisis

Appointed in January 2018 to this post, this professor of medicine had become a familiar figure of the French, by unveiling from the start of the health crisis, in spring 2020, the epidemic data during a daily press briefing relayed by the channels of info.

Professor Salomon has not been spared by the flood of criticism targeting the executive since the start of the Covid-19 epidemic.

In a report at the end of 2020, the Senate commission of inquiry “directly” attributed the shortage of masks at the start of the epidemic “to the decision, taken in 2018 by the Director General of Health, not to renew the stock of masks surgical ”, even if“ it is also the consequence of previous choices ”.

As part of a judicial investigation opened by the Court of Justice of the Republic on the management of the crisis, a search was carried out in mid-October at his home, as well as at the former Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran or Agnès Buzyn, who held this position before him.


Marseille: Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon will not ultimately lead the AP-HM

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