Teller Report

How does it feel for foreigners to be vaccinated in China?

7/14/2021, 12:07:59 PM

China News Service, Beijing, July 14th, title: How does it feel for foreigners to be vaccinated in China?   Author Bo Wenwen Li Xiangqi   According to statistics, as of now, more than 300,000 foreigners have received more than 500,000 doses of the new crown vaccine in China.   Why do foreigners in China choose to be vaccinated in China? What is the procedure for foreigners to be vaccinated in

  China News Service, Beijing, July 14th, title: How does it feel for foreigners to be vaccinated in China?

  Author Bo Wenwen Li Xiangqi

  According to statistics, as of now, more than 300,000 foreigners have received more than 500,000 doses of the new crown vaccine in China.

  Why do foreigners in China choose to be vaccinated in China?

What is the procedure for foreigners to be vaccinated in China?

How do these foreigners feel about being vaccinated in China?

  Li Shengxian, a South Korean student who was a junior at Peking University, told a reporter from China News Agency that he had completed two doses of Kexing vaccination.

  Li Shengxian said that the idea of ​​vaccinating in China was initially influenced by the surrounding Korean friends.

"If you get vaccinated in China, you may not need to be quarantined when you go to South Korea. It is more convenient to come and go.

  "It felt good!" Li Shengxian recalled, the vaccination site was in order.

Before the second dose of vaccination, because he was worried about high blood pressure, the medical staff measured his blood pressure and gave him vaccination advice after consultation with several doctors.

  "I want to say to the medical staff: hard work, come on! Because the epidemic is not over yet." Li Shengxian said, always feel that medical staff are particularly hard, whether it is for the health of patients or for the recovery of the whole society, they are during the epidemic. Paid too much.

  Ramin, a doctoral student from the School of International Relations at Peking University in Afghanistan, told reporters that in June this year, he was vaccinated at school for the new crown vaccine for personal safety and return to normal life.

  Luo Ming said that he felt "a little pain" in his arm just after the vaccination, but he was fine after a while.

  "China has its own advantages in international vaccine cooperation." Luo Ming believes that because China started the research and development of the new crown vaccine early, it has become one of the countries in the world that completed the vaccine research and development earlier.

  Brian, a 27-year-old Argentine boy, is a well-known blogger on the Chinese video site Bilibili.

In April this year, he was vaccinated in Shanghai and recorded the whole process with video.

  Xia Bobo introduced that foreigners can sign up through a mini program "it only takes five minutes" to make an appointment to the nearest hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, medical staff fluent in English will guide you to fill in the relevant forms.

The payment is about 100 yuan (about 16 U.S. dollars), which is "very cheap".

  "I really didn't feel any pain." After the vaccination, Xia Bobo received an English reminder titled "What should you pay attention to after the new crown vaccine?": You need to wait 21 to 28 days before the second shot; After vaccination, stay in the observation area for 30 minutes. During this period, if you have any discomfort, please inform the medical staff; drink plenty of water, do not exercise, avoid spicy food and avoid personal allergies; do not take a bath that day; there is slight redness and swelling Do not scratch or rub the wound with soreness and pain.

He thinks "this is very caring."

  "I hope to travel abroad to see my family and friends. I think this is the beginning. Vaccination will make our ideas come true." Xia Bobo said.

  German girl Viki also shared her experience of being vaccinated in Shanghai in May this year on a Chinese video website.

She said: "I was still a little nervous because I hadn't been vaccinated for a long time. But the vaccination process was very fast and I didn't even feel any pain." After observing for 30 minutes, she said she felt normal.

  She especially noticed that after vaccination, the vaccination record can be checked on the mobile phone software, and "the health code has become golden."

On the second day, Victoria said, “I didn’t feel any side effects. I felt a little sore in my arm. After the vaccination, I also felt a little tired, but that’s all. Now it’s back to normal and my arm doesn’t hurt. Up."

  Victoria also mentioned that her friends in Germany at the time heard that she was vaccinated in China and said, "You are so lucky! We have to wait for a long time to get the vaccine."

  Frenchman Li Ge also received a Chinese vaccine in May this year.

A few hours after the vaccination, he said there were basically no adverse reactions.

"The only scary thing is that the doctor recommends not drinking coffee for three days and not drinking alcohol for a week." He joked.
