Teller Report

Hong Kong Book Fair reopens after two years, exhibitors and readers are

7/14/2021, 1:49:46 PM

[Explanation] On July 14, the 31st Hong Kong Book Fair hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council kicked off at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center after two postponements due to the epidemic. The theme of this year's book fair is "Inspirational", together with the "Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo" and the newly launched "Snack World" held at the same time, attracting more th

  [Explanation] On July 14, the 31st Hong Kong Book Fair hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council kicked off at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center after two postponements due to the epidemic.

The theme of this year's book fair is "Inspirational", together with the "Hong Kong Sports and Leisure Expo" and the newly launched "Snack World" held at the same time, attracting more than 760 exhibitors.

  [Commentary] The reporter saw on the spot that around 10 am, the exhibition hall was full of people.

Many exhibitors meticulously displayed the main books of the year for readers to read and select.

Some exhibitors told reporters that the book fair was reopened in Hong Kong after two years, and the flow of people on the first day far exceeded expectations. They were very encouraged.

  [Concurrent] Yu Huanjun, Manager of Marketing Department and Business Development Department of Zhonghua Book Company (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

  We expect (sales) to be the same as in 2019 before the epidemic, we are all happy.

(Passenger flow) is better than expected, because when I came this morning, it was more than 9 o’clock. I had already seen that there was already a full line of people outside, and the readers who entered the venue were already lined up. It seemed that the situation was the same as in previous years. Maybe after all The (book fair) has always been closed for a year, and everyone is eager for this matter.

  [Concurrent] Yu Keling, Director, Deputy General Manager and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

  What we actually expect is to be similar to the (sales) situation in 2019, and we are already very satisfied with this.

We actually felt quite excited about the flow of people (situation) this morning.

In particular, there are many children, we are very encouraged to see.

  [Explanation] In addition to paper books, the reporter noticed that some exhibitors also combined scientific and technological elements to launch many innovative cultural products for readers to experience.

In front of the booth of the Commercial Press, a VR game called "Three Kingdoms Fax" attracted the attention of many readers.

  [Concurrent] Yu Keling, Director, Deputy General Manager and Deputy Editor-in-Chief of The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

  If it’s just a traditional paper book, it may not be attractive enough to primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong. So this year (2021) we will launch a special mobile game, as well as board games, which are card games, and VR (virtual reality) or AR (Augmented Reality) technology is used to realize a kind of dissemination of Chinese history. We hope to use this form to attract Hong Kong young people and primary and middle school students to pay more attention to Chinese history.

  [Commentary] The reporter noticed that due to the epidemic, the book fair has restricted the flow of people. Some Hong Kong citizens who came to the fair welcomed this move.

  [Concurrent] Hong Kong citizen Mr. Xu

  (People) are much less, the passages are wider, and the flow of people is well arranged. I won't say that everyone is allowed in at once.

In the past few years, I stood here to read, and I was so crowded that I could not see it. This year, it will be fine.

  [Concurrent] Hong Kong Citizens Students

  There will not be so many people this year, because the flow of people is restricted, and it is a little looser, there are not so many people, and it is not so crowded.

  [Explanation] Some citizens told reporters at the scene that after more than 30 sessions, the book fair has become an annual cultural gathering for Hong Kong people, providing reading convenience for citizens who love to read.

  [Concurrent] Hong Kong citizen Mr. Xu

  I will come to the book fair (as long as it is).

First, I like to read books, and secondly (books here) are more concentrated, so I don’t need to look around, just come here and there are all kinds of books.

It (book fair) is more convenient for the general public. Many people are busy, and they rarely walk into a bookstore suddenly for no reason.

When you have a book fair here, there are all kinds of books. It is convenient for everyone to come in and you can see everything you like.

  [Explanation] The Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Carrie Lam, said at the opening ceremony that day, in order to support the industry's participation in the book fair, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government has reserved 40 million Hong Kong dollars for printing and publishing under the second round of the "Anti-epidemic Fund" in 2020. The industry subsidy program covers about 80% of exhibitors’ participation costs.

In addition, the SAR government allocated another 10 million Hong Kong dollars in April 2021 to provide a one-time, 15,000 Hong Kong dollar financial support to local exhibitors who had originally registered to participate, benefiting about 570 exhibitors.

  Reporter Fan Siyi reports from Hong Kong

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]

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