Teller Report

Covid: executive plans to expand solitary confinement in case of positive test

7/14/2021, 3:16:21 PM

The draft bill incorporating the new health measures announced by Emmanuel Macron on Monday is currently submitted to the Council of State. The text provides for an extension of the placement in solitary confinement to any person positive for Covid-19. This device was until now reserved for people entering the territory.

The draft bill incorporating the new health measures announced by Emmanuel Macron on Monday is currently submitted to the Council of State.

The text provides for an extension of the placement in solitary confinement to any person positive for Covid-19.

This device was until now reserved for people entering the territory.

The draft law incorporating the new health provisions announced by Emmanuel Macron extends the placement in isolation to any person positive for Covid-19, according to the text obtained by AFP on Wednesday.

Currently submitted to the Council of State, the text thus introduces, if the Covid test is positive, the placement and maintenance in isolation for ten days in the place declared for the examination.

This provision was hitherto reserved for persons entering the territory.


The respect of this placement in solitary confinement can be controlled by the police and the gendarmerie, the procedure being placed under the control of the judge of freedoms and detention.

The project provides for the maintenance of an exit permit between 10 am and 12 noon, as well as possible adaptations concerning "the continuation of family life", "the special condition of minors" or even the case of people whose safety would be threatened for a while. their isolation.

The reinforcement of the triptych "test-trace-isolate", of which this measure would be part, has long been among the recommendations of scientific authorities.

The bill must be adopted on July 19 by the Council of Ministers, then examined within the week by Parliament.