Teller Report

cartoon bridge over rome river

7/14/2021, 3:01:20 PM

Michelangelo dreamed of a bridge over the Tiber River in Rome linking the gardens of Villa Farneseina with the Farnese Palace, a magnificent Renaissance building that currently houses the French Embassy. French artist Olivier Grossett from Marseille is fulfilling this dream for him, but... with cardboard or cardboard. palpation was inaugurated

cartoon bridge over rome river

Michelangelo dreamed of a bridge over the Tiber River in Rome linking the gardens of Villa Farneseina with the Farnese Palace, a magnificent Renaissance building that currently houses the French Embassy. French artist Olivier Grossett from Marseille is fulfilling this dream for him, but... with cardboard or cardboard.

The 18-meter-high bridge, suspended by three balloons of six meters in diameter, each inflated with helium, was inaugurated in the presence of the Mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, and the French ambassador, Christian Masset.

The bridge makes it possible to cross the river symbolically for a few days and connect two Roman-era landmarks, one of which is the Farnese Palace on the left bank, and the second, Villa Farnesena on the right bank.

As of July 8, dozens of little hands began assembling the various parts of the bridge, which will be dismantled on July 18 and its components recycled.

This workshop was a participatory work, as 120 people, including children, parents and students, mobilized for it, their young and old took the tasks of measuring, cutting and gluing.

"The technical challenge this time lies in hanging the bridge over a river, that is, over the stream," the artist said.

"The wind is what worries me," he added.

Michelangelo envisioned a passageway between the two Farnese family homes in Rome, but the complex and costly project was dismissed after the death of Pope Paul III (1534-1549), whose original name was Alexandre Farnese, in 1468.

France had bought the palace in 1911. This was an affront to Mussolini, who restored it but left the right to use it to France by signing a lease in 1936 for a period of 99 years for a symbolic amount of one Italian lire per year for the costly maintenance of this building.

As for Villa Farnese, originally the Chidji Palace, designed by Baldassari Peruzzi and decorated by Raphael and his school, it was acquired by Alexandre Farnese himself in 1580 and named after it, and it currently houses the Accademia del Lenchi, the oldest scientific academy in Europe.

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  • Rome,

  • farnesian palace,

  • cartoon bridge

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