Teller Report

The forecaster spoke about the arrival of the last front of extreme heat in Moscow

7/12/2021, 3:44:54 PM

Leading employee of the Phobos weather center, Yevgeny Tishkovets, spoke about the arrival of the last extreme heat front in Moscow.

“Today, due to the influx of polar air through a part of European Russia, relatively cool air has been pumped to us, the heat has decreased by a couple of degrees in relation to the previous day.

We have done without records.

But tomorrow and the day after tomorrow two records will be broken in Moscow.

Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow it is expected + 32 ... + 34 ° С in Moscow, +30 ... + 35 ° С in the region.

These two days are the last front of extreme heat, ”he told RIA Novosti.

According to him, on July 13 and 14, it will be slightly cloudy, there will be a lot of sun, however, from the 15th, towers of thunderclouds will begin to appear in the city, in places it will be dry thunderstorms, in places it will be short rains.

In this case, the temperature will remain around +30 ° С.

“By Saturday, the atmospheric front will break through and bring normal refreshing showers with thunderstorms, the temperature will drop to + 25 ... + 30 ° С.

We will get out of the extreme heat zone until we get comfortable indicators, ”added the forecaster.

Earlier, the doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences Irina Dobretsova, in an interview with FAN, gave recommendations on safety measures in hot weather.

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