Teller Report

Live voice (s) - Festival d'Avignon: Caroline Guiela Nguyen for "Fraternity, fantastic tale"

7/12/2021, 6:41:53 PM

2021: a cataclysm suddenly wipes out part of humanity. Avignon Festival: Caroline Guiela Nguyen for "Fraternity, fantastic tale" Audio 29:00 Fraternité, a fantastic tale by Caroline Guiela Nguyen © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon By: Pascal Paradou 31 min 2021: a cataclysm suddenly wipes out part of humanity. Publicity There is no trace of those who were absent. To fill this void, a new type of social center is being invented, “

Avignon Festival: Caroline Guiela Nguyen for "Fraternity, fantastic tale"

Audio 29:00

Fraternité, a fantastic tale by Caroline Guiela Nguyen © Christophe Raynaud de Lage / Festival d'Avignon

By: Pascal Paradou

31 min

2021: a cataclysm suddenly wipes out part of humanity.


There is no trace of those who were absent.

To fill this void, a new type of social center is being invented, “care and consolation centers”.

Humans heal absence there, fight against the flow of time and the erasure of memories.


Caroline Guiela Nguyen,

author and director, returns to Avignon after the creation in 2017 of the play



She founded the company 

"Les Hommes Approximatifs"

which is interested in life courses.

Brotherhood, Fantastic Tale 

is played from July 6 to 14, 2021 at 

La Fabrica. 

The show will be resumed at the 

Théâtre de l'Odéon 

from September 18 to October 17, 2021.  

Portrait of Caroline Guiela Nguyen © Manuel Braun


Dan Artus, Saadi Bahri, Boutaïna El Fekkak, Hoonaz Ghojallu, Maïmouna Keita, Nanii, Elios Noël, Alix Petris, Saaphyra, Vasanth Selvam, Anh Tran Nghia, Hiep Tran Nghia, Mahia Zrouki

Text: Caroline Guiela Nguyen with the entire artistic team

Director: Caroline Guiela Nguyen

Dramaturgy: Hugo Soubise, Manon Worms

Artistic collaboration: Claire Calvi

Scenography: Alice Duchange

Costumes: Benjamin Moreau

Light: Jérémie Papin

Music and sound: Teddy Gauliat-Pitois (composition), Antoine Richard (production and composition) 

Video: Jérémie Scheidler

Overtitling: Panthéa

Also find the report by

Alexandra Jaegy. 


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