Teller Report

Important signs on the face that reveal your diabetes

7/12/2021, 10:03:21 PM

Diabetes has many signs, and countless symptoms, and although confirmation of its infection requires certain blood tests, it has indications that appear in strange places. Did you know that your face may reveal that you have type 2 diabetes? These are the signs that begin to appear when the condition is neglected, and the person suffers

Important signs on the face that reveal your diabetes

The presence of hard and scaly patches on the skin may be an indication of serious complications.


Diabetes has many signs, and countless symptoms, and although confirmation of its infection requires certain blood tests, it has indications that appear in strange places. Did you know that your face may reveal that you have type 2 diabetes?

These are the signs that begin to appear when the condition is neglected, and the person suffers from persistent high diabetes and high blood lipids.

Dr. John Quinn, plastic surgeon, said, “The skin is the largest organ in the body in area, and it is normal for signs of high blood sugar level to appear, especially on the face,” noting that there are a number of signs that show this, including the presence of hard and scaly patches in the skin. Specifically on the eyelids, which may be an indication of serious complications.

According to the "Express" website, Quinn explained that "the aforementioned condition, which is medically known as (Xanthelasma), can be a sign of suffering from uncontrolled diabetes, as this condition often develops when the body suffers from a continuous rise in the level of diabetes."

Reddish-yellow bumps on the skin are one of the other signs, Dr. Quinn explains, explaining that these bumps “may look like acne, but the difference is that they turn yellowish.

Besides the face, these grains can also appear on the buttocks, thighs, back, knees, and elbows.

Quinn added that spots on the eyelids are also one of the signs of uncontrolled blood sugar levels, which look like spots in small areas, and have a soft texture.

In addition to the mentioned signs, Dr. Quinn added a number of other indicators that can appear on the skin, which are inflammation, skin that suffers from dryness and friction, and dark areas of the skin with a velvety texture.

According to, exercise can reduce blood sugar levels, and walking is one of the most important exercises to achieve this, in addition to simple modifications in the diet to make it more healthy, in addition to drinking healthy amounts of water. According to the site, "drinking water can help the body get rid of some of the amount of glucose in the blood."

• Spots on the eyelids are one of the signs of diabetes levels.

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