Teller Report

Delta variant: "If we do nothing, things will go very quickly", warns Rémi Salomon

7/12/2021, 1:08:47 PM

In Spain, Portugal or the United Kingdom, the Delta variant of the coronavirus is starting the pandemic on the rise. Now the majority in France, it is progressing strongly. Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce new restriction measures to curb the epidemic. A necessary reaction for Rémi Salomon, invited Monday noon on Europe 1.

In Spain, Portugal or the United Kingdom, the Delta variant of the coronavirus is starting the pandemic on the rise.

Now the majority in France, it is progressing strongly.

Monday evening, Emmanuel Macron is expected to announce new restriction measures to curb the epidemic.

A necessary reaction for Rémi Salomon, invited Monday noon on Europe 1.


"The Delta variant is by far the most transmissible of all," warns Rémi Salomon.

The president of the AP-HP establishment medical commission was invited to Europe 1 on Monday at noon. He welcomed Emmanuel Macron's quick speech on Monday evening.

For him, "if we do nothing" to slow the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus, "it will go very quickly". 

"We must react quickly"

The progression of the Delta variant is "overwhelming", judge Rémi Salomon.

In a few weeks, the United Kingdom, submerged by a fourth wave, has seen its number of Covid-19 contaminations grow exponentially.

Cases are doubling every ten days.

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"We must expect that in France, we will have the same progression, or even maybe a little faster, insofar as we are a little less vaccinated than the British", analyzes the chairman of the medical commission establishment of the AP-HP.

According to him, even if there are nearly 3,500 cases today, we will reach 7,000 in ten days then 14,000 etc.

"We will probably reach more than 100,000 cases by the end of August, if we do nothing," he says.

Before adding: "we must react quickly".

"Call back caregivers during their annual leave? I don't even dare"

Extension of the health pass to events of more than 500, or even more than 100 people, or compulsory vaccination for caregivers, Rémi Salomon wants the Head of State to announce measures to curb the epidemic on Monday evening.

Without these restrictions, he said, it will spill over to hospitals "as early as this summer".

And on caregivers.

"Can you imagine if we have to call back caregivers during their annual leave? I don't even dare," he says.



- Covid-19: while the Delta variant worries, barrier gestures are less respected

The president of the medical establishment commission of the AP-HP nuances all the same: the fourth wave can be less violent thanks to the vaccination. In France, more than 74% of people over 80 have already been vaccinated. "There will be proportionally fewer hospitalized patients per number of cases," explains Rémi Salomon, referring to the situation in the United Kingdom. But more than 20% of those over 75 did not receive their two shots like some people with co-morbidities. "Many people are still likely to have a serious Covid", concludes Rémi Salomon.