Teller Report

The Possible and the Impossible

7/11/2021, 10:06:51 PM

One of the most important sources of our psychological pressure and anxiety in life is our dissatisfaction with ourselves, our attempt to live a life other than ours, or our preoccupation with how people think of us. Indeed, many of our actions are motivated by fear of people’s words, for this father exaggerates in a dowry. his daughter so that he does not believe

5 minutes

The Possible and the Impossible


Alaa Jarad

12 July 2021

One of the most important sources of our psychological pressure and anxiety in life is our dissatisfaction with ourselves, our attempt to live a life other than ours, or our preoccupation with how people think of us. Indeed, many of our actions are motivated by fear of people’s words, for this father exaggerates in a dowry. His daughter so that people would not say that he neglected her, and this wife exaggerates in improving her appearance so that she looks as beautiful as the rest, even if she seems just another copy. If we arrive at the simple fact that there are things that we do not have to think about much or worry about, even for a moment, and that there are other things that are worthy of taking all our attention and focus, we would rest a lot, and our lives would change and turn into happiness and self-satisfaction.

I was struck by the reflections of the Greek philosopher Epictetus, whose summary of his philosophy was compiled in the book "The Compendium", where he says that our happiness and freedom are dependent on understanding an important principle, which is that there are things within the framework of our control and ability, and other things that are not within the framework of our control and ability. If we deal with it, we will feel inner peace and peace of mind. For example, things that are within our control; Our opinions, our aspirations, our desires, our aspirations, the things we don't like, all of these things we have the power to control, and we can choose what we do about them, but there are things like our body type, whether we are born rich or poor, how people view us and our place in society. He entered us with it, although we can try to change it, but we inherit it or acquire it by birth.It is easier and more effective to work on the things that are in our control rather than wasting time and effort on the things that are not in our control, simply because it is easy to get positive and fast results if we put our effort and energy into what is in our hands.

Some stop the wheel of their lives from working hard because they are overly preoccupied with the society’s view of them, and what people say about them. Rather, they care about people’s words sometimes more than the teachings of religion, and in consumer patterns, we are preoccupied with bragging and keeping pace with others from seeing our actual needs, which may be very simple. How many Individuals who are tied up with heavy bank loans in order to buy a car of a certain model, or to spend the summer vacation to be like their neighbors or friends, while it is more appropriate for a person to be preoccupied with self-development, acquiring new skills and knowledge, and academic achievement that leads to a qualitative shift in social and financial life.

I imagine that we all had a golden opportunity during the “Covid-19” epidemic to stop and reflect on what things mean to us, and what things and values ​​are most important in our lives, what is sick and what is fat, how the world’s money cannot ease the pain of that epidemic, and how we are deprived of meeting loved ones, And what have we done with the latest models of cars and clothes that have not been used for more than a year and a half? Will we continue to struggle for money and we will remain in unjustified enmities and forget ourselves?

• I imagine we all had a golden opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic to stop and reflect on what things mean to us.


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