Teller Report

Professor Deng Hongbing of Wuhan University: There is no such thing as an easy and money-making profession

7/11/2021, 9:56:23 PM

Pioneer   "Easy and money-making professions do not exist at all   " ——Interview with Professor Deng Hongbing of Wuhan University who rectified the name of "Tiankeng" profession   "Basic disciplines are considered to be'tiankeng' majors and are shunned."   "I have always insisted on the point that there are no bad professions, only bad people."   "Higher education does not teach us to make a


  "Easy and money-making professions do not exist at all

  " ——Interview with Professor Deng Hongbing of Wuhan University who rectified the name of "Tiankeng" profession

  "Basic disciplines are considered to be'tiankeng' majors and are shunned."

  "I have always insisted on the point that there are no bad professions, only bad people."

  "Higher education does not teach us to make a living, but to teach us to create a life."


  Recently, what Deng Hongbing, a professor at the School of Resources and Environmental Sciences of Wuhan University, did not expect is that a text he sent to parents and candidates when the enrollment was about to end quickly went out of the circle. Someone praised the rational analysis. Some people also questioned that he "wouldn't have a backache when talking while standing."

  "Regardless of whether the major is hot or cold, struggle can achieve the generation of a powerful country." Recently, Professor Deng Hongbing accepted a face-to-face interview with reporters from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily, restoring a post-80s scholar's observation and thinking on the professional selection and growth of young students.

Don’t use money to measure every major

  According to Deng Hongbing, this "Letter to Candidates and Parents" widely spread on the Internet was written on the way back to school after enrollment in Yichang, Hubei.

Inspired by some of the enrollment experience, he typed a few paragraphs on his mobile phone, and then sent them to the enrolling parents and small groups of students, which aroused some resonance. Some people forwarded it and spread it out, "It is not an official article. I didn't expect such a big movement at all."

  Since last summer, as a professional teacher, Deng Hongbing has participated in the promotion of the school’s enrollment season and has contacted hundreds of parents. “Which profession is good for employment” and “Which profession earns more money” are the most frequently asked questions by parents. , "Use money to measure every major."

  He gradually learned that the term "tiankeng" is still popular on the Internet and among parents. For example, "biochemical and environmental materials" refers to majors in biology, chemistry, materials, environment, etc. The reason is that these majors are difficult to learn and lack employment. Competitiveness, as far as the production line is large, the income is also low.

  "There are the social impetuous psychology of parents and students, and there are also many misunderstandings about the cold major." Deng Hongbing's research field is the environmental major in "Biochemistry and Environmental Materials", and he speaks from his own experience.

  When Deng Hongbing entered Wuhan University in 1999, he was transferred to major in environmental science.

He was not interested in this major, and once wanted to repeat it. After the counselor did the work, he gradually settled down and devoted himself to it.

Soon, Deng Hongbing found the feeling, from undergraduate to PhD, and now he is a young scholar and doctoral tutor of Luojia of Wuhan University, and one of the “Ten Thousand Outstanding Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mentors in China” by the Ministry of Education.

  Deng Hongbing said that in the past few years, the starting salary for the graduate jobs he brought has basically been around 200,000 yuan. Among the students who have come out of his department are a large number of Yangtze River scholars, well-known professors, industry leaders, and CEOs of listed companies. The road to success is the best refutation of the so-called'tiankeng' profession."

  "There are no bad professions, only bad people. We need to work hard for any profession." Deng Hongbing said that there is no easy, easy and money-making profession for studying and working.

  In response to some queries on the Internet, Deng Hongbing responded that he was not against students applying for popular majors such as computer science. His original intention was to tell parents not to interfere too much with their children, and to give them more autonomy, hoping that they would follow their own interests and original intentions. Choose a major; and rush to choose popular majors, the employment prospects after graduation may not be very good.

  At the same time, as far as students are concerned, no matter what major they are, they must study hard, and no major can make money lying down.

Deng Hongbing said that some students were admitted to prestigious schools with good majors, thinking that they would be put in the safe, addicted to playing games and dropped out of subjects and dropped out of school every year.

  But what makes him happy is that in the past two days, there seems to be more supportive voices on the Internet and the media. "Such attention and discussion is also a clear distinction and popular science."

He continued to receive praise and encouragement from some fellow professors inside and outside the school, and he received voluntary feedback from young students: some people have got the support of their parents and insisted on their favorite majors; some people have strengthened the confidence of the outside world to study the "unpopular" majors.

In the face of love and responsibility, all choices will not be disappointed

  In this letter, Deng Hongbing also mentioned another phenomenon that touched him-some students who were shortlisted for the "Strong Foundation Project" (note: generally refers to the pilot program for the reform of enrollment for basic subjects) this year, because the college entrance examination scores are enough to predict the school's I want to go back on the admission line, because the "Strong Foundation Program" is a basic subject and majors cannot be changed after enrollment.

  "If we all give up basic disciplines or the so-called'tiankeng' majors, who do we expect to do these things? If no one does it, how can our country progress?" said Deng Hongbing, a period of hot and cold professionalism. It exists objectively, but it is necessary to respect the combination of major choices and students’ personal interests, and to see trends and needs. Today’s unpopular majors often resonate at the same frequency as the country’s future major needs.

  Deng Hongbing wrote in the letter, "We can all not study the environment, but when the environment is polluted, we all complain. We don't study chemistry and materials. When our chips are stuck in the neck, we mistakenly think it is telecommunications. , IT is not yet developed enough, and I don’t know that chips not only need sunshine and snow, but also need people from the bottom of the river. Materials and chemistry are also indispensable."

  Deng Hongbing believes that just as the president of Wuhan University, Academician Dou Xiankang, said on campus, the post-00 generation who will enter the university campus today will be around 35 in 2035 and around 50 in 2050 to achieve "two centenary years". The key to the goal lies in today’s campus. They determine the future of China to a large extent. “The needs of talents in every major are indispensable. The youth who strives for is the most beautiful. No matter whether the major is hot or cold, struggle can achieve the generation of a powerful country.”

  At the same time, looking at the law of youth becoming talented historically, every generation of young students who have invested in the needs of the country will not be forgotten by the country. It is precisely in the needs of the country that young people can build more platforms in the country. To accelerate growth.

  On July 2nd, when Wuhan University’s official Weibo reposted this "Letter to Candidates and Parents", it commented: "Family and country sentiments, personal interests, honesty and kindness, a more frustrated and courageous mentality... Is important. Because in the face of love and responsibility, all choices should not be disappointed."

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Lei Yu Correspondent Wu Jianglong Source: China Youth Daily