Teller Report

Haikou launches emergency protection plan to deal with abnormal water quality in western area

7/11/2021, 7:36:42 PM

Haikou, China National Broadcasting Network, July 11 (Reporter Xu Peipei, intern reporter Si Yaoqi) In response to residents in some communities in the western part of Haikou City reporting abnormal tap water quality, the Hainan Provincial Water Affairs Department, Haikou City Government, and Chengmai County Government organized relevant units on November 11. On-site investigations were conducte

  Haikou, China National Broadcasting Network, July 11 (Reporter Xu Peipei, intern reporter Si Yaoqi) In response to residents in some communities in the western part of Haikou City reporting abnormal tap water quality, the Hainan Provincial Water Affairs Department, Haikou City Government, and Chengmai County Government organized relevant units on November 11. On-site investigations were conducted on the water intake source Dongshan sluice dam intake point, Yongzhuang Reservoir and Yongzhuang Water Plant, and on-site work meetings were held on the basis of expert opinions and emergency measures were formulated.

Water intake point of Nandujiang sluice dam in Dongshan Town.

Photo by Yao Qi, Director of China Central Broadcasting Network

Water intake point of Nandujiang sluice dam in Dongshan Town.

Photo by Yao Qi, Director of China Central Broadcasting Network

  Yongzhuang Water Plant is responsible for water supply to communities with abnormal water quality.

The person in charge of the Yongzhuang Water Plant introduced at the meeting that the quality of the water produced by the Yongzhuang Water Plant has been strictly controlled, and the daily inspection indicators are in line with the national drinking water standards.

  It is reported that Haikou City has stopped diversion from the water intake point of Dongshan Gate and Dam from July 5th.

At present, relevant departments have launched an emergency protection plan: Hainan Water Affairs Department optimized water source scheduling, coordinated the adoption of full-line closed and centralized water delivery measures, increased the amount of water supplemented by Songtao Reservoir to Yongzhuang Reservoir, and improved the quality of raw water from the water plant; ordered Haikou Water Affairs Group as soon as possible Upgrade the treatment process of the Yongzhuang Water Plant, urgently purchase advanced equipment, and increase the treatment facilities to meet the requirements for simultaneous treatment of algae and water quality; Haikou Water Affairs Bureau organizes an expert team to evaluate and guide the technical transformation of the water plant to ensure that the emergency is completed within 2 months Process transformation.

  In the next step, Haikou City will organize the Xiuying District Government, the Housing Construction Bureau, the Health and Health Commission and other relevant departments to conduct a comprehensive investigation and testing of the secondary water supply facilities in the community within the water supply range of the Yongzhuang Water Plant. The frequency of water quality testing and monitoring will be encrypted and timely Publish relevant test indicators to respond to public concerns.