Teller Report

A law prohibits “social media” celebrities in Norway from deceiving people with a photo filter

7/11/2021, 7:47:43 PM

With a flat stomach, bigger lips, and smoother skin, people are often seen as social media stars. It is certain that these ideal forms are unreal and mostly fake, and therefore the Norwegian government classified this matter in the category of forgery and deception, and decided to act on the matter.

A law prohibits “social media” celebrities in Norway from deceiving people with a photo filter

With a flat stomach, bigger lips, and smoother skin, people are often seen as social media stars.

It is certain that these ideal forms are unreal and mostly fake, and therefore the Norwegian government classified this matter in the category of fraud and deception, and decided to act in the matter.

Within days, a new law in Norway is expected to enter into force, and this law stipulates that social media influencers cannot publish modified photos without permission.

These rules will include paid posts on all social media platforms, as part of the government's attempt to "reduce the stress level" that young people experience when comparing themselves to influencers, who are in fact comparing themselves to unreal images.

The new proposals have already been passed as an amendment to the Norwegian Marketing Act, and the King will decide when the new law will enter into force.

The government's website also states that the goal is to help reduce pressure in society from "people who look perfect in advertisements".

It also stated: “In addition to other things, it is proposed that it becomes a duty to put labels on advertisements in which the images are modified or manipulated with the body shape of the person who appears in the advertisements in a way that changes reality, both in terms of body shape, size and skin color.”

This law will cover filters used in apps such as Snapchat, as well as digital adjustments to aspects such as body shape and size.

It also includes anyone who posts a paid ad on social media, including many influencers, actors, and singers.

A government spokeswoman told the BBC that they wanted to promote "fair, responsible and ethical online advertising" that works for everyone, and would consider the subject of altered images during their consultations on the online advertising programme, announced in 2019.

"I was very fortunate to find myself in an extraordinarily positive environment on Instagram, but the vast majority of the internet is not," she says.

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  • social media influencer,

  • photo filter,

  • Norway