Teller Report

27 people injured in a car accident in a passenger bus in Ningde,

7/11/2021, 7:34:05 PM

On July 11, the Fire Rescue Detachment of Ningde City, Fujian reported that 27 people were injured in a car accident in a passenger car in Fu'an City.   It is reported that at 10:58 on July 10, the Ningde City Fire Rescue Detachment received a report saying that a passenger car with 39 people and 29 people in the direction of Songluo on the national highway of Fu'an City had an accident. Trappe

  On July 11, the Fire Rescue Detachment of Ningde City, Fujian reported that 27 people were injured in a car accident in a passenger car in Fu'an City.

  It is reported that at 10:58 on July 10, the Ningde City Fire Rescue Detachment received a report saying that a passenger car with 39 people and 29 people in the direction of Songluo on the national highway of Fu'an City had an accident. Trapped, ask for help.

  After receiving the alarm, the Ningde City Fire Rescue Detachment quickly mobilized a rescue vehicle and 7 officers and men from the Fuan Saiqi Fire Rescue Station in the jurisdiction to the scene to carry out rescue operations.

  After arriving at the scene, firefighters found that a trapped passenger was seriously injured and unable to move.

After inquiring about the injured, the firefighters calmed the injured passengers and used stretchers to lift the trapped people out of the car.

After 10 minutes of rescue, the trapped passengers were successfully rescued and sent to the hospital for treatment.

  It is understood that 27 of the 29 people in the car were injured, most of which were abrasions, and several passengers suffered fractures.

(Wu Shengwei Ye Xinhua Jin Wenzhen produced Sui Zhiyuan video source Ningde City Fire Rescue Detachment)

Editor in charge: [Song Fangcan]