Teller Report

Putin opened traffic on the final section of the Central Ring Road

7/8/2021, 11:25:09 PM

Russian President Vladimir Putin has launched traffic on the final 25-kilometer section of the Central Ring Road (TsKAD), RIA Novosti reported.

We are talking about the section of TsKAD-1 from Kaluzhskoye to Simferopol highway, as well as junctions at the intersection of TsKAD-4 and M-5 "Ural" and TsKAD-5 and M-10 "Russia".

This section has looped the highway - traffic is now open on all 336 kilometers of the highway.

Earlier it was reported that on Thursday, July 8, Putin will take part in the ceremony of commissioning the Central Ring Road in the Moscow region.

In April, the Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, spoke to the 360 ​​TV channel about the advantages of the Central Ring Road.

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