Teller Report

Who is the new CEO of Amazon?

7/7/2021, 5:55:23 PM

At the age of fifty-three, the new general manager of "Amazon" Andy Gacy, who is considered the right-hand man of Jeff Bezos, takes over the reins of a group he joined 24 years ago, three years after the birth of the startup that became one of the giant institutions in the global economy.

Who is the new CEO of Amazon?

At the age of fifty-three, the new general manager of "Amazon" Andy Gacy, who is considered the right-hand man of Jeff Bezos, takes over the reins of a group he joined 24 years ago, three years after the birth of the startup that became one of the giant institutions in the global economy.

Gacy, who received his MBA from the prestigious Harvard Business School in 1997, joined Amazon in its launch phase as director of the marketing department.

Gacy graduated from Harvard "on the first Friday of May 1997" to start working at "Amazon" on the "next Monday", according to what he told via the "The Disruptive Voice" podcast in September 2020.

"Amazon" was At the time, a startup in Seattle was founded by Jeff Bezos three years ago in an auto repair garage. When it went public on the stock exchange, which coincided with Gacy's joining, it introduced itself as an "online bookstore".

Today, the group has become a giant empire in the American and global economies, extending its activities from online commerce to cloud computing, through grocery stores, artificial intelligence and film production.

Soon, Gacy played a prominent role in the company in this diversification, and one of the most prominent achievements in this context was the establishment of "Amazon Web Services" in 2003, a branch of cloud computing services over the Internet. Although it is less well known than others, it is considered one of the most profitable sectors in the group that dominates this market globally, ahead of Microsoft and Google.

Standard & Poor's, a rating agency, indicated in a recent report on the giant American group that the transfer of the Amazon administration to Gacy was "well prepared", which leads to the expectation that it will take place "smoothly", given the new manager's "strong experience". Within the company.

The rating agency also praised the replacement who succeeded Gacy at the head of Amazon's cloud computing division Adam Selipsky, who has "11 years of experience as an administrator" at Amazon Web Services.

And the American press noted that Andy Gacy, a father of two and a passion for music and cinema, was easier to reach than his predecessor, describing him as very attached to the details related to the cloud division of Amazon.

The value of

«Amazon» on the

Stock Exchange today to 1770 billion dollars ,

thanks to

the achievements of

sectors and cloud commerce computing over the

Internet from fictional profits, has

seen a

significant increase during the

closure measures all over the

world because of the

pandemic Kovid - 19

will receive indurativa peer -to

occupy a

top position in the

hierarchy of the

group On a generous bonus of 61,000 shares over ten years, which is equivalent to more than $200 million, according to the Amazon share price at the close of trading on Friday.

It is still too early to tell whether the large group will see a transformation under his leadership, but the man presents himself as a faithful disciple of his mentor Jeff Bezos, describing him in the podcast “The Disruptive Voice” as an “extraordinary thinker” and noting that he “has technical qualities coupled with empathy for the consumer.”

However, like his predecessor, he will face a set of challenges, including the US authorities accusing the group of crushing competition, given that it sells its own products while setting the rules for other companies that sell their products through Amazon.

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