Teller Report

Lee Jae-myung "The investigation was overdone, but when the motherland family is found guilty..."

7/2/2021, 11:58:44 PM

Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung said today in relation to the 'motherland situation' that "if convicted, the family of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk should also be held accountable."

Democratic Party presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung said today (2nd) in relation to 'The Fatherland Situation', "If guilt is confirmed, the family of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk must also be held responsible."

Candidate Lee said at an online press conference today, "The investigation was obviously overdone. During the investigation, there was a problem with the prosecution of Yoon Seok-yeol, who basically exercised selective justice."

He continued, "On one side, public officials have to prepare so that they do not get dusty even when they are shaken," he said. There is no choice,” he explained.

Regarding the cancellation of the appointment of accountant Kim Kyung-yul, author of 'The Black Book of the Fatherland', as a national interview panel for the party's primary election, the governor said, "(Kim Kyung-ryul) I do not agree." It may not seem like it, so it is better to embrace it in a grand victory manner and boldly.”

Regarding actor Kim Bu-seon's criticism of himself on SNS day after day, he said, "That's enough of his story. How much more do I have to prove?" and "I think the people should make the decision."

(Photo = Provided by Jae-myung Lee, Governor of Gyeonggi, Facebook capture by Buseon Kim)

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