Teller Report

How was your grand oral in the bac? Tell us !

6/26/2021, 7:52:13 PM

The candidates for the bac began to take this test this Monday morning ... Let's go ! More than 525,000 candidates for the general and technological baccalaureate are invited between Monday and July 2 for the grand oral. Twenty minutes of presentation and discussions with a jury are planned. This test is brand new, since it is one of the major innovations resulting from the reform of the bac. This is the only final test maintained, with the written philosophy, the other

Let's go !

More than 525,000 candidates for the general and technological baccalaureate are invited between Monday and July 2 for the grand oral.

Twenty minutes of presentation and discussions with a jury are planned.

This test is brand new, since it is one of the major innovations resulting from the reform of the bac.

This is the only final test maintained, with the written philosophy, the other subjects being assessed in continuous assessment.

If you are one of the pioneers who have just passed this ordeal, tell us.

What was the subject of your grand oral?

How did you prepare for the event?

Did you enjoy working on it?

Did you feel like you were ready just before taking it?

Do you think your performance was successful?

Did you make a few mistakes during your oral exam?

How did you find the jury about you?

  • BAC

  • Exam

  • Society

  • High school

  • Education