Teller Report

France... kills her stepfather after he married her and forced her into prostitution

6/26/2021, 10:23:29 PM

Today, in France, the trial of a forty-year-old woman who killed the man suspected of torturing her for 25 years began, as he raped her when he was twelve when he was married to her mother before he became her husband, and repeatedly beat her, and engaged her in prostitution, making her a new symbol for victims of violence. captive

France... kills her stepfather after he married her and forced her into prostitution

Today, in France, the trial of a forty-year-old woman who killed the man suspected of torturing her for 25 years began, as he raped her when he was twelve when he was married to her mother before he became her husband, and repeatedly beat her, and engaged her in prostitution, making her a new symbol for victims of violence. families in France.

As Valerie Baku's trial began in Saint-Loire, central France, some 600,000 people signed a petition to demand the release of the woman who spoke of the hell she suffered in a book called "Everybody Knew".

Valerie Bako killed her husband, Danielle Paulette, 61, when she was thirty-five, on March 13, 2016. With the help of two of her children, she buried the body in the woods, but was arrested after being reported in October 2017, and she immediately confessed, explaining that she had killed Paulette after A torment she experienced for 25 years.

When she was 12, she was raped by Daniel Paulette, then her stepfather.

The man was sentenced and imprisoned in 1995, however after his release in 1997 he was allowed to return to the family home.

And Valerie Baku recounted in her book, which was published last month, that "everything is back again as it was before."

When she became pregnant at 17, her mother kicked her out of the house, so she had no choice but to stay with Danny.

But the alcoholic man beat her daily and forced her to prostitute herself in the back seat of his car.

"I was constantly afraid," she wrote, revealing that she had thought "a thousand times to escape," but was afraid she would not be able to escape from her abusive husband who regularly threatened her with a pistol.

When her 14-year-old daughter, Carlin, told her that her father had asked her about her sexuality, she was afraid that she would meet the same fate. What happened to her on March 13, 2016, after her obscene practice with a customer in the back seat of the car, except that she took the gun that her husband kept In the car, I shot him in the neck from behind.

Although the use of a self-defense argument in court is not possible because Paulette was driving and turning his back on his wife, Baku's two defense attorneys will focus on "the extreme violence she has endured for nearly 25 years and her fear that it will continue with her daughter".