Teller Report

A place in Badong, Hubei presents the "knock on the rock and the spring"

6/26/2021, 1:22:21 PM

  Recently, a small stream in Hetaoping Village, Qingtaiping Town, Badong County, Hubei Province, has seen the spectacle of "knocking rocks and springing springs". As long as you hit a rock or make a loud noise, the stream will churn and surging, and the stream will rise 10 to 15 centimeters quickly. Each time the water rises will last for more than 1 minute, and then the water level will quickly

  Recently, a small stream in Hetaoping Village, Qingtaiping Town, Badong County, Hubei Province, has seen the spectacle of "knocking rocks and springing springs".

As long as you hit a rock or make a loud noise, the stream will churn and surging, and the stream will rise 10 to 15 centimeters quickly.

Each time the water rises will last for more than 1 minute, and then the water level will quickly fall back. After repeated several times, it will take 25 to 40 minutes to wait for the spring wonders to appear again.

  After watching the video, Chen Xiaolong, an expert from the Hubei Provincial Institute of Geological Sciences, said that the initial guess may be the physical shock caused by the percussion, which disrupts the balance of forces in the karst pipeline. When the percussion is over, the water flows back to the ground under the action of gravity. .

  It is understood that due to the fact that there have been frequent travellers coming here recently to see the wonders of knocking on the rocky spring, but due to the rugged mountain roads, this place is also in a pristine state and has not been developed. The village has set up safety warning signs at all intersections. It is recommended that you try not to do so during the rainy season. Go.

(Produced by Tan Li and Dong Xiaobin)

Editor in charge: 【Luo Pan】