Teller Report

Many local township express outlets across the country are unable to continue who will "rescue the scene"?

6/22/2021, 10:30:50 PM

  News has opinions | A large number of township express outlets are unsustainable, who will "save the way"?   The "618" shopping festival is coming to an end, and the express logistics industry has attracted attention again. According to media reports, in many villages and towns across the country, the former express delivery outlets are disappearing one by one or a "single charge" is required f

  News has opinions | A large number of township express outlets are unsustainable, who will "save the way"?

  The "618" shopping festival is coming to an end, and the express logistics industry has attracted attention again.

According to media reports, in many villages and towns across the country, the former express delivery outlets are disappearing one by one or a "single charge" is required for pickup. This situation is widely seen in the townships of Hunan, Sichuan, Guangxi and other provinces.

Even if certain express outlets in individual villages and towns "survived", the villagers would have to pay an additional pickup fee of as little as one or two yuan to as much as 35 yuan each time they pick up the package.

From this point of view, is the township express delivery point really "departing"?

Township courier: high cost and low income, collecting express delivery becomes a "good deed"

  Weng Gu Muxia, the courier point leader in Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan and Zhongba Village, Xide County, which has just been lifted out of poverty, told "News Have Views" that the village’s courier point was just established a year ago, and he has only done it for one year. .

Now I often go to towns that are more than 40 kilometers away and help villagers get express delivery: "It is equivalent to earning gas, not cost-effective, but doing good deeds."

  He said that the cost of express delivery is high, but the income per order and the courier company's subsidy are very low, and some courier companies even have no subsidy.

Therefore, he would charge the villagers a fee of 2 yuan per order without "subsidies", but the profit is still very meager.

  There are many couriers who face the same situation as Weng Gumuxia.

Mr. Cheng from Hengyang, Hunan has been contracting rural express delivery points for 5 years and is "exhausted". He said that he has just made a decision and is ready to change business.

He told reporters that now the express delivery industry is becoming more and more difficult to do. Previously, the profit was high and the volume of goods was small. Now there are more express delivery and the profit per order is declining. Coupled with the requirements of various indicators and praise, "Once it is not met, the fine will be heavy "He felt a lot of pressure.

Mr. Jiang, the operator of the express delivery point in Jiantang Town, Quanzhou, Guangxi, also said that to do express delivery, it is necessary to rent a house, hire employees, and load and unload goods....


The labor cost is getting higher and higher, but the distribution fee is getting lower and lower, "I feel that the operation is almost impossible."

  The couriers all said that if the policy is better and the subsidy is higher, their courier points can be maintained.

 Logistics expert: the "national team" should enter the venue for intensive management

  "I think it is understandable," said Xu Yong, chief consultant of Express Logistics Consulting Network. "The express delivery industry is a market behavior. Private express delivery in towns and villages has high operating costs and is at a loss. . If there is no money to make, everyone will definitely withdraw. This is in line with the laws of the market."

  Xu Yong said that this phenomenon will occur more often in the central and western regions.

The reason is that he believes that, on the one hand, the transportation in the central and western regions is relatively inconvenient and it is difficult to achieve express delivery. Even if the delivery is carried out by drone, the cost is high and the weather is greatly affected, and it is not suitable for long-term use.

On the other hand, the transfer of surplus labor in rural areas will leave the elderly and children at home. Their low spending power will aggravate the losses of express delivery companies.

  Xu Yong said that according to the "Postal Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Constitution of the People's Republic of China", every citizen has the right to enjoy "Popular Post".

China Post Group enjoys national government subsidies and should be responsible for the universal service of postal services. "From this perspective, it would be more appropriate for China Post Group Corporation to provide express delivery in rural areas."

As for the market-oriented private express companies, if they violate the market laws by relying solely on "feelings", they will not be able to do so for a long time.

  Regarding the future development of the country’s township express logistics sector, Xu Yong suggested that the most important thing is to reduce costs and reduce carbon emissions from the perspective of intensive operation.

For example, with the help of big data technology to carry out logistics control, it can even be "delivered once a week to a village", which not only meets the needs of farmers but also reduces costs.

At the same time, Xu Yong believes that the state should provide appropriate subsidies to private express companies operating in the central and western regions, or encourage them to compete through tax reductions and exemptions.

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